Chapter 33

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Ealize's pov

I took a deep breath and tried to outline what i was gonna say

"Zach, am I allowed to ask certain information about the pack? " i was really conscious if maybe, perhaps i was overstepping my bounds?

"It depends on what you want to ask, but its fine as long as you don't use it for anything that can harm the pack" Zach answered.

I breath a sigh of relief

And immediately went down to business

"It's like this, im quite aware that a lot of the pack members have been transferring to the Ignis pack, i just wanna ask if a man name Enziel is also one of them?"

Zach pause for a while as he stared at me

"Enziel?" he paused looking like he's remembering something

"Enziel Rohan?" he asked

Unfortunately i didn't know what was the last name of Enziel

"He is Xyrin's mate, one of my friends "

"wait, I'll check the papers" Zach stood up and went to his desk, he then took out a bundle of paper and started flipping

"He did file for a request to transfer to the Ignis pack, but i haven't approved of this yet since it's a different matter when his mate is in our pack" he answered as he walked back to me

"Can you not approve of it first?" i ask as i look at him...

"I... It's just that there's something wrong with him, my friend Chelsea said that he's like a different person!"

I'm really weak at explaining things as you can probably see. 

"What do you mean Ealize?" I lowered my head as I was thinking how to explain this to Zach

"Zach, do demons also exist like werewolves?"

At this moment Zach had a confused face

He probably didn't know where i am going with this topic, but Zach still answered. 

"Demons do exist, but interacting with them is a sign of betrayal to the Gods that each packs worship" Zach explained

"for 500 years demons has been locked up in hell, and until now, no news of demons have reached my ears...why are you asking this Ealize?"

"W.. What if they're coming back again?"

"What do you mean?" Zach immediately followed

"will you keep this a secret?" i asked nervously, Zach pause for a little and nodded as a confirmation.

I hope i don't sound too crazy

You're already crazy

I cleared my mind and paused for a little while before continuing

"It may sound crazy,  but I...I can see things that ordinary person can not" i pause, look at Zach and figured out that he is still listening

"i would sometimes see chains on a neck of a person but i never knew what it meant... " i paused trying to make everything seems believable...

" but yesterday i had a dream, someone told me that those people with chains on their necks, have been possessed by demons, and the chains is what binds them to hell"

Zach frowned as if he is contemplating on something....

"i know it's sounds like something that came out from a movie, but it's true!!" i said as i stood up, getting too riled up with my emotions.

"sorry... "i apologized as I sat back down again...

"So you feel like Enziel is possessed by a demon? Because of his personality change?" The more Zach talked the more I realized how unbelievable the things i am saying, but i still chose to push through it and nod. 

Come on,  at this point, with werewolves and transmigration as reference, what you're saying isn't so crazy anymore.

"Then for now, let's assume that what you said is true, how do you get the demon out of the body? From what I've known, if a demon possesses a body, it would be best to burn it, since everything a demon touches is unclean"

Bu.. Burn?

Exorcism doesn't exist in here?!!!

The story has now change its genre to horror... Minus the priest, just the demons. 

"No,  that person from my dream told me a way on how to pull back the demon"

"Ealize, anything that involves demons are dangerous, if what you're saying is true, I wouldn't want you anywhere near them" Zach looked very serious at this moment...

That's right, it's not just me anymore, but i also have to think of the baby. 

"Then can you at least postpone your decision with regards to Enziel's transfer of pack? please?" i ask

Zach gave me a soothing smile

"Okay,  I'll postpone it" he answered

"Thank you!!" i shouted as I gave him an excited hug. 

I was embarrassed when I realized what I did but it was too late to back out as Zach hug me back. 

I solved one problem for now,  but I still wanna see Enziel just to confirm if I can really see the chains on the neck of a possessed person

I can't just keep procrastinating on the things that I must do

"Can I at least see Enziel?  I promise i won't do anything. I just want to see him" I asked again,  hoping Zach would agree. 

Zach frowned...

"Why?" he asked.

"I wanna confirm if he really is possessed, i promise i won't do anything foolish!" i said as i raised my hands

Zach let out a deep sigh,  before answering

"okay,  but I'll go with you,  I would let someone call Enziel to attend the training session with other pack members tomorrow, you'll see him by then"

I finally took a deep breath as I finished all the task i needed. 

"okay,  I'll stay by your side don't worry" i added, as i gave him a big smile. 

Zach reach out his hands and patted me in the head.  I could feel my heart beating too fast for my own good. 

As I was drowning in this sweet bubbly atmosphere, I saw Zach looking at his office door,  so i unconsciously look there too...

Before i could even wonder what the heck was going on,  something big and fast entered the closed door by force slamming it open, my body reacted faster than my brain and I immediately stood up in the couch and even went as far as standing on top of the backrest,  trying to stand as high as I could.

Zach reacted fast and stood up as he held my waist to stabilize me,  but at this time,  i really couldn't care more of this intimate action because standing in front of me...

Was a HUGE wolf

did i mention that I'm scared of dogs? 


I feel like I'm gonna faint...

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