Chapter 2

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I woke up, and the first thing that greeted my eyes, was a cream colored ceiling. It was very unlike the room I or rather we had in the orphanage. 

Our ceiling had cracks here and there, in which I have been used to.

I groggily push my body up using my elbows. My mind still in shambles, and currently can't process anything.

I took a sharp breath as I noticed a very severe pain in my lower area. It was like bolts of lighting traveled from that region up to my head.

My head was throbbing, aching, heck! it even feels like its splitting in half. 

I have never ever in my life experienced this kind of headache.

Then my stomach churned. I didn't even have the time to process anything, I just leaned down beside the bed and vomited on the floor.

It stinks... And I feel like my stomach is being drilled and a thousand of worms are currently eating my stomach inside out.

I feel like dying

After vomiting all of the food that I have eaten. I felt a sudden chill in my body.

Then I realized....

I was naked...

Why am I naked?

I look around the room and that's when it hit me....

This is not my bed!!
Nor is this my room!!

Not realizing until this point may seem unbelievable, but the sensory attack that hit me when I woke up was too much for me to process everything properly.

It's like listening to a lecture given by a professor after not sleeping for a whole day,  you hear but don't listen.  In my case I felt that something was weird but could not comprehend what. 

The room looks like a very luxurious hotel room, the one I have only seen in tv commercials.

I froze when I felt a movement beside me... I slowly turned my head only to find a naked man sleeping on the other side of the bed.

My brain froze... I didn't shout nor panicked. I literally froze on spot...

My brain refuse to work right at this moment.....

That only lasted for a while though as series of questions immediately run through my mind.

Where am I?

Why is there a man in my bed?

No the bed isn't mine...

Not that it matters!!
Wait! wait! wait! 

I clearly remember falling asleep on my bed in the orphanage!!

So why am I here?
Did I get kidnapped?

But why bring me here?

And why am I naked?

Why is he naked?

D... Did something happened between us??

No... No... Oh no no no no no.. No way...

And most importantly...

I look at the naked man again, trying my best to avoid looking at his lower region.

I had SEX with a GUY who likes to wear DOG EARS!!!! while having SEX?!!!
I.. Is it like the... master, servant roleplay??

I feel like throwing up again as my head overloaded with questions, so I did. I threw up beside the bed again and again until I could no longer take out anything in my stomach.

After throwing up I slowly leaned my head to the headboard of the bed.

I feel like dying...

My eyes roamed once again inside the room. Then it stopped when I saw a big length mirror just in front of the bed.

Staring right back at me, at this very moment was a girl leaning in the headboard of the bed. She looks very tired and feels like all the energy is drained from her. 

She has a very long wavy black hair. It sprayed across her shoulders and covered her nude breast. She unconsciously raised her hand and grab a fistful of hair and touch it.

Very soft

She has big black eyes, yet it was slightly pointed outwards in the end.  This eyes seems to suck the breath of anyone who stares into them. 

Proud and tall nose. Full and reddish lips shaped in heart.

It makes you wonder how soft those lips are. The girl raised her hand again to touch her lips.

Very soft

She has fair white skin, that seems like she's been bathing with milk since the moment she was born. The contrast it gave with the purplish red hickeys gave a strong sense of distortion and seduction. These hickeys were almost found everywhere, in the neck, collarbone and even between her chest...


The girl in the mirror move again but this time she cupped her chest. It could hardly fit in her small hands.....

Very soft... And big, so unlike my flat chest.

The girl in the mirror raised her hands looking at them intently. Her hands was thin and fair. No calluses in the fingers and her nails had a pinkish glow in them.

She must've never work in her whole life.

If I were to estimate, this girl's height was around 5'3 or 5'4, and this drop dead gorgeous girl was actually me...


Ahahahha... No way... Dream... Must be a dream.

For an unknown reason a sudden memory came back to me while I was in trance.

"If I were to be transferred I wish it was a world full of magic, or supernatural beings, or maybe just an ordinary world but please give me a drop dead gorgeous body, to make up for my average/ordinary look in this world"

"I really wish I could transmigrate, that would be fun!"

I feel like I was drowning, my heart was beating too fast and my head was pounding. 

There's no way something like that could happen, right??

I was having goosebumps right at this very moment. The very thought, of the possibility of "that" actually happening left me speechless.

I... It must be a dream. My brain is making things up because I was very bored, and this was my last thoughts before sleeping...

That's right a dream...

"I... I'll go back to sleep" I whispered to no one.

I laid back down in the bed, pull the covers to myself and closed my eyes.

I don't know why, maybe because I was really shocked, or I was just tired from puking my ass out, but the moment my head fell into the pillow, I was out.

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