Chapter 6

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It's been a few days since I came to this world. I have been stuck in the house, trying my best to adjust.  I would walk every now and then in the neighborhood but never ventured far.  I guess deep inside of me,  I am still reluctant to accept that I have indeed transmigrated into a different world.

This past few days,  I have been feeling depressed and homesick. I felt dizzy more often than not and  I would get severe headache. 

My mental health is slowly affecting my physical health.

I honestly want to slap myself in the face and say,  "just move on and accept everything! There's nothing you can do!, why are being so weak?! "

But as they all say,  easier said than done. 

Today,  I have finally decided to go out,  and by out I meant out my neighborhood. Find a café and stay there for a while.  I figure that maybe,  just maybe, if i truly see the scene of everyday life happening in front of me,  I might accept all of this sooner. 

I can't let my physical health deteriorate any more than this. 

The headache and nausea makes me want to die...

I walked into the bathroom and started to do my daily routine. The owner of this body has a skin care routine for both the body and face. 

At first I was overwhelmed because it takes too much time to do these routines every day and night,  but i figured that since God has bestowed me this gorgeous body,  I can't be the one ruining it. The original owner did do a great job taking care of her skin. 

My skin,  in my original body was dry and tanned, so I am still adjusting to the fact that this body has a fair and white skin.  Every time i stare at myself in the mirror, I would often space out, do some silly pose, the one that models do, and laugh by myself.

One thing that I liked about this body though is that it never gets fat. According to my memory, Ealize has an unhealthy lifestyle and by unhealthy i meant the amount of chocolate and junk foods she eats is a lot,  but she never gets fat, but with these frequent headaches and nausea I'm starting to doubt that maybe she's sick... 

Like diabetes or high blood,  because of her unhealthy lifestyle.

I have firmly decided though, to not eat as much junk foods and chocolate as her,  because even though she doesn't get fat,  it is still unhealthy to consume a huge amount of sweets and junk foods every time she eats. 

After doing the skin care routine. I walk towards her walk-in closet and glance at the clothes that still has a price tag on them. 

I was shocked when I first entered her walk-in closet.  It was like a whole clothing store itself. Everything was arranged by color,  by outfits,  dresses,  shorts, denim, everything.

I was so scared looking at the price tags of each dress that I even had a second thought of using anything on the rack. 

The size of her walk-in closet is the same size as our room in the orphanage. It makes me laugh and feel bitter at the same time.  Even the prize of just one of her dress could probably count as the budget for food for about 2 months in our orphanage.

Some people are just born rich...

To be honest I am quite excited choosing an outfit for this body.  Everything just looks good on her! 

Its like you're dressing up a doll, when you were a kid and everything looks fabulous on her.

After choosing for a while.  I chose a red plain turtleneck long-sleeved top, paired with a denim pants and black boots. 

I just let my hair fall down to my waist and wore a red ribbon headband on my head. 

Honestly i sometimes forget that she's already 20, every time i dress up i still apply my own taste in clothes. She looks good though,



I look at my full length mirror and applied a little bit of blush and lip balm on my lips. Honestly, looking at her face makes me feel good.

I spent a few minutes looking at myself in the mirror. If someone sees me,  they might think that I'm being weird and narcissistic seeing as how I'm giggling by myself.

She... I mean I look gorgeous!

I picked up my shoulder bag put my wallet and phone on it and walk out of the house. 

For now,  i will try not to think of my friends and the orphanage in my  world.  I will enjoy whatever I have now.  I will just treat this as if I have left the orphanage,  and went into a new place where i don't know anyone.  After all, everyone must leave the orphanage once they turned 18, I only had a few months until then, in my world. 

I decided to just walk instead of getting a taxi.  This way I can observe a lot of people more. 

I walked outside of my neighborhood and search for any café near it.

I spent a lot of time walking and observing everything, I saw a dog dragging his owner on the road. I wonder if it is the owner taking the dog into a walk?  Or the dog taking it's owner into a walk? 

There are also people jogging, the cars passing,  the busy businessman walking briskly to their destination. Everything i see help me in adjusting my mindset that I have indeed transmigrated into a different world. 

After a few minutes of walking, i felt a headache coming up and nausea hits me.  I stop for a while trying to steady my breathing as I search for any place to take a rest with. 

A few meters away from me I saw a café with cute furnishings. I walk faster until i reached their door. 

The little bell rang as soon as i opened the door.

I chose to sit not faraway from the door. 

After I sat down,  I ordered a few cakes and a cup of hot milk to the server.

Minutes passed and my headache and nausea started to fade away.  I breath a sigh of relief, i was actually worried that I might pass out somewhere random.

It's been happening to me,  but thankfully I'm just inside the house when it happens and usually i would wake up soon after i passed out,  but i really don't want to be passing out in the streets or in a cafe. 

I made a mental note to go to a doctor tomorrow for a check up.  I'm quite worried that maybe this body has any sickness because of her unhealthy lifestyle.

it's not like I'll suddenly find out that she has cancer right?!

I wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry by then. 

I really hope it's not a sickness that'll take my life...

I thought as i sip my cup of hot milk. 

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