Chapter 10

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I went out of my daze when i felt someone put his or her palm in my belly.  I trailed my vision from this persons hands to the face....

It was Doctor Laurelie...

Do they have the habit of suddenly putting their hand in someone else's tummy?

" there something wrong? " not... What i really wanted to say is, why are your hands in my belly?  What are you doing? Is this normal?

Laurelie just gave me her prettiest smile and did not answer my question.

The smile was enough to shut me up though... It's just touching my belly,  it's not like it'll affect this body's beauty anyway... So it's fine. 

A few minutes passed and I was starting to feel awkward, i saw Laurelie's face had a shocked expression for a moment before it quickly passes away like it never had happened. She took back her hand,  smiled at me again and she gave Zach a look before going out of the room. 

What the hell... Am I the only one not understanding anything at all?  I feel like my IQ is now in negative...If i didn't know any better i would assume that they are secretly communicating in their minds about things...

I look at Zach and he look at me too,  we look at each other for awhile before i turned my eyes away. 

I feel like i might melt if i stare too much at him...

"is there anything wrong? Why did you bring me here? " i ask... I hope this time I actually get some answers and not just a smile...

I saw Zach took a deep breath before he went beside me and sat on the patient bed too.  Now we're sitting side by side...

"Ealize... I... " he paused for a bit before continuing...

"you're pregnant" he finished. I just sat there and look at him...

It's either this guy is weird, or he just doesn't know how to have a conversation.

"How did you know? " so far,  the only thing they did was to touch my belly and nothing else. 

How did he know?

"I... " i heard him trailed I finished it for him

"are you a werewolf? A vampire?  A magician?  Witch? " i know I'm not making sense at all and if I'm wrong I'll probably be branded as a crazy person...

But the fact that I've transmigrated is by itself crazy enough. If you add in these supernatural i don't thing it'll get any crazier.

He look shocked at what i said, and it made my gut feeling more right. 

"I'm a werewolf" he stated,  he didn't ask why i knew it.  He just confirmed it.



I'm pregnant and Zach is a freaking werewolf...

I flop down half of my body to the patient bed with my two legs still dangling down on it. 

I put my hands on my tummy. Trying hard to feel the life inside of it...

I couldn't feel anything...

But this is normal i guess. 

Children, babies to be exact. I know how hard it is to raise one.  I lived my whole life in an orphanage taking care of the younger children in there.

Every now and then, someone would take their child for adoption, I saw how brokenhearted those parents were when they gave up their child. But I also saw some who did it like it was normal, cold and ruthless. 

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