Chapter 35

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Ealize's pov

On the whole duration during our trip to the training ground, my mind was wondering elsewhere. I eventually told Zach about what i saw but three day had passed since then and I'm still procrastinating on what i should do. 

I mean come on! i don't even KNOW what to do!! So, i did what a normal teenage girl would do, procrastinate the hell out of it. 

I was watching anime on the tv, planning to do nothing productive  when my cellphone rang. I look the my phone and answered. 

"Hello?" i answered as I waited for Chelsea to respond

"Ealize..please help" I immediately stood up from the couch, i could hear Chelsea sobbing and hyperventilating on the other line. On the background there was a sound of shouting and it seems like there was a fight going on. 

"What wrong?!" 

"Xyrin is hurt!!! Enziel hurt her!! no...she's bleeding and they're still fighting! Help please....don't hurt her anymore!!" Sobbing sound ensued after her shout at a third party which i assumed was Enziel. 

"Is there no one near you? where are you?!" I asked

"There's no one! i don't know what happening, i followed Enziel and Xyrin into the forest, then i saw them fighting, i tried, i tried to get help but i can't leave the forest! i called every number in my contacts but I can't get through with anyone, until i called you. Help us please..... STOP IT!! Stop!! Don't hurt her! Enz!!! She's pregnant with your child! STOP IT! STOOP!!!" I heard a loud thud before our call went off. 

My heart was beating too fast and my hands started trembling, This is the first time i encountered this situation and my mind just went blank. Instinctively i tried to find someone to lean on, thus without thinking too much about anything i called Zach. 

The phone rang twice before he picked up. 

"Ealize?" he answered

"Zach...I...I need your help" i started as i tried to organize what was happening inside my brain

"What wrong? I'll be there" I heard rustling sound on the other line

"Chelsea called me, they need help, it seems like Enziel and Xyrin is fighting in a forest somewhere in our territory. Xyrin is pregnant and she's bleeding, she needs immediate help" I relayed the important information as fast as i could. I heard a car starting before Zach answered. 

"Do you know their exact location?"

"i don't know, Chelsea only said she followed them into a forest but did not specify which forest" 

"Okay, don't worry i sent an announcement to the pack guards to help us look in the surrounding forest in our area" 

I heard a car engine outside the door before it opened and Zach came in. 

"Tell me exactly what happened and don't leave out anything" Zach instructed as he walked briskly towards me and guided me back to seat on the couch. 

I relayed what had happened without missing anything.

Zach said that he had sent over 40 pack members to search, but Laurelie just relayed through telepathy that they haven't found anyone yet. It has been 10 minutes since the call and my heart wouldn't calm down....

I felt it...i needed to do something or i won't be able to see either Xyrin or Chelsea alive...

Why alive? i don't know, but my instincts told me that if i don't do anything, my friends would be dead. 

i stood up the couch and started pacing back and forth in front of Zach. A habit that i often do when I'm anxious. 

"I need to go....they won't be able to find them...I...I need must be me..." i mumbled 

"You can't go, we don't know the situation, it would be dangerous for the baby and you" Zach replied to my mumbles. 

I stopped pacing back and forth and look at Zach straight in the eyes

"No, i don't have a choice Zach, they'll die if i don't go...I can't let them die knowing that i can do something, neither my conscience nor my morality would let me do that" i said as i felt fear seep out from the depths of my soul. It was the fear of responsibility that i had to take on with the decision i needed to make. 

If i don't go two of my friends would be dead.... but if I go, i cant make sure that me and my child would be okay...i somehow feel that this would be a dangerous situation that might risk my baby. 

"What is your basis for all of this Ealize?" Zach frowned

"I don't know! But I'm sure I'm right...Zach...please...just go with me...i promise I'll just find the place and wont do anything else, you can take John or Eric with you...please we need to go" I felt the urgency...i don't know why I'm having these strange urges or why I'm feeling so strongly about what might happen, but my brain is telling me one thing. I need to follow this instinct. 

If i must go, i needed to minimize the chance of me being hurt, thus i need more help. That's why i suggested to let Zach bring John or Eric. Their both the 2nd and the 3rd most powerful werewolf after Zach. 

Zach took a deep breath before he stood up and lead me outside of the house. 

"You only need to tell me the direction after that you must not do anything else" Zach warned as we sat in his car. I repeatedly nodded my head as he drove off.

"Where are we going?" Zach asked 

"To the forest near the training ground..." i answered almost immediately. 

I know Zach may wonder how i knew this, but even me myself don't know why I know....

"Did you call Eric or John to go with us?" 

"They'll be there in 5 minutes" Zach answered as he continued to focus on the road. 

When we reached our destination, it was eerily quite. It was daytime but i could not hear anything from the forest. No birds tweeting nor the sound of the leaves rustling....Nothing can be heard. I was not the only one that found this anomaly as I could feel Zach became more alert as he looked at the forest. 

"let's go" Zach took the lead as held my hands and we entered the forest. 

We still couldn't hear any sound, its like the whole forest is on mute. 

 I don't know where Zach is leading me to, but i felt like his way was the right way so i didn't say anything. 

Soon enough i felt like we pass some sort of transparent membrane and then we heard the sound of growling and fighting. Zach shielded me as we approach where the noise is coming from. We stop two meters away from the scene. 

We could see three big werewolves in an opening in the forest, one of them was bleeding heavily and lying on the side, the other one was shielding the wounded werewolf. In front of them was an obviously much larger werewolf growling and taking its attack stance ready to pounce of the weakened werewolves at any time. 

My heart stop when i saw this scene. I immediately knew that the wounded werewolf was Xyrin, the one protecting her was Chelsea, and...I look at the neck of the opposing werewolf. I could clearly see a large chain wrapping the neck of that werewolf....that's Enziel...

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