Chapter 25

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I ignored her and tried to copy Zach's attitude.

Pretending she was never there.

I never ever met someone who is so willing to become a third wheel. I'm pretty sure it was obvious that we were having a "Date" in my opinion, and she just rudely barged in.

"It has been a long time since you visit the Ignis pack, you should visit some time!"

"I'm sure it would be fun, I missed you going there!"

It was a one-sided conversation, with only her talking.

She must've notice that Zach won't reply to her so she shifted her attention to me.

"You Zach's friend?" It was supposed to be a question but it sounded more like a statement.

"You're quite lucky to have Zach as a friend. Did you know that back when I was still a child, Zach save me from a kidnapping case, he was so cool at that time!"

She's Alyannah...

Wow, never thought I could hate someone so much in our first meeting.

I was just convincing myself not to immediately judge Alyannah, I mean who knows? maybe she's different from the book and all of the nasty things about her was just rumors.

But she just proved herself right now.

She's very annoying.

"Zach has always been my savior that's why I really like him, it would be good to have him visit our pack..."

"oh! You could come too, of course" She looks super excited sharing everything, as if we were really close.

I chewed on the steak feeling like it was rubber inside of my mouth making it harder to swallow.

"Thinking back to the time when I was kidnapped, there was a lot of kids that were kidnapped too but Zach saved me first, I don't know why though...maybe it's fate?" she said in a very shy voice and her face grew red from embarrassment.

It would've been such an endearing sight, if only she didn't get on your nerves.

I know, now everything she does is annoying to my eyes.

When a waiter pass by our table she immediately raised her hands to order food.

She was planning to stay longer??!!

That was the last straw, she just ruined my appetite.

I look at the expensive Steak that I couldn't even enjoy eating.

I lifted the glass of water beside my plate and carefully took a sip from it.

Making sure my movements were as elegant as possible,

I reached for the napkin and wiped my lips.

I did not rush my movements nor did I take too long, it was as if everything was normal and I'm not planning to be a biss to the girl beside me.

At this point Alyannah is still chattering about something to Zach, I did not bother to listen.

"Excuse me... "

I spoke to get her attention. 

"Yes?" She answered with an innocent smile on her face. 

You're about to ruin that.  Such a villain. 

I looked at her in the eyes and this time I brought out Ealize's natural resting bitch face.

"You're very rude" I stated

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