Chapter 1: New Beginning (1)

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I feel my body falling...

Ah, I guess mom finally had the courage to kill me. Her sweat and tears were all wasted just to raise me, a worthless piece of scum.

Yeah, I deserve this. I've always prepared myself for this yet my hand unconsciously reached out to her.

The sharp edge of the knife was still stuck in my abdomen. My blood was seeping out of the wound forming a red splash on my blouse and my senses are slowly weakening. I then lost control over my body and during a few minutes left of my life, my memories from when I was a toddler flashed on my mind like a movie.

When I was three, I read several textbooks meant for highschoolers. Dad would pat my head after finishing one and he'd tell me how proud he was of me while my mom agrees and they both hugged me.

We'd go to amusement parks and play some games, they'd win a few stuffed toys and we'd go home tired.

When I turned four, my parents became distant yet dad never failed to make me smile. He'd tell me lame jokes and tickle me nonstop. My mom scolds him and picks me up.

At night, I'd hear them quarrel so I quietly cried in my room. I never understood why they'd fight, I even thought it was because of me.

My fifth birthday came and as happy as I was, I was also told of a bad news. Dad died in a plane crash in the Pacific. I cried nonstop and after a few days, a cold body got delivered to our house and my mom got infuriated easily when I messed up from then on. I'd suffer when she got herself drunk and not even the maids or the butlers comforted me.

When I became ten years old, I was already popular in every portal site. My name never strayed from the real-time searched word list and was popular in every part of the world.

I'd even donate food supplies to the people suffering from endless wars and protested against raised taxes. I became a worldwide celebrity yet my mom never genuinely smiled at me.

When I was 14 years old, mom fired all of our employees. She became a drunkard and always blamed me for the death of my father.

She'd physically abuse me and I'd take it all in like a punching bag. When I requested to go to school, she swiftly took care of my documents and enrolled me in a public school.

In school I was bullied, at home I was maltreated. The students mocked me for my popularity and how I was too proud of my achievements.

The headmistress and the teachers tried to defend me but their bullies worsened. I'd get wet when I open the door to the classroom and get trapped inside the toilet.

The teachers then arranged a meeting with mlm but they were fooled by mom's acting. She said that it's because of my natural rotten personality and immediately forgave the aggressors. I wept bitterly and we went home.

She beat me up again for wasting her time and finally, dragged me to this place.

My tangled raven hair flew with the cold breeze and my droopy eyes were solely focused on that woman who caused this experience, mom.

I thought she would regret what she had done but she didn't even spare me a second glance. I now understand, I was just a burden and a mere tool.

My body dropped to the water that I felt the freezing sensation through my entire being and a splash echoed through the surroundings.

Yes, my mom mercilessly stabbed and pushed her biological daughter off medium-sized bridge.

No one was around because it's already midnight and the comb-shaped moon and millions of stars were the only ones lighting the dark night sky. There're also many trees around the viaduct and the leaves were rustling like singing a requiem making my death quite relaxing. Some birds like owls also made some noises and bats looking at me mockingly with those beady eyes of theirs.

My eyes slowly closed as I was engulfed by the water.

Ah, so this is how people die. Based on my deeds until my last moments, I guess I'm gonna be burned by ths blazes of fire from hell for eternity.

This is what I call karma, how ironic for it to be happening to me.

I suddenly felt my soul getting out of my physical body and slowly floated outside the water and into the sky.

What? What's happening?

A warm soothing light forming a pair of gigantic hands caught my soul and placed me on the clouds. When I looked at what's in front of me, I only saw a silhouette of a sitting person.

Is that person they refer to as 'gad'?

[Yes, I guess you could say that. Welcome little one, to your Judgment.] He took out a scroll from who-knows-where and opened it in front of me.

[I see... mhmm... such a tragedy indeed... yes, yes...] I heard him murmur.

Now, he'll finally send me to hell right? I was apathetic when I was alive because my mom said I needed to. Sigh, why is it taking too long?

He suddenly rolled the scroll back and cleared his throat that caught my attention.

[I've decided to... reincarnate you! Yay!!] He clapped his hands and confetti from every direction fell on me.

The heck?!

[Hey, what's up with your expression? Aren't you at least excited?]

Nope, not even in the slightest. I just wanna rest or turn to dust. Why do I have to live again? It's too troublesome; plus, people will loathe me again. I'd rather not experience it again so please erase my existence.

[Hold your horses, I won't let that happen. You know why? Because you're the purest soul I've ever encountered for decades!

Trust me, I have already prepared a perfect family for you so you only need to live your life to ths fullest. There's a catch though...]


[It's a different world from what you know. Magic and magical beings exiat there.]

It'll be fine, but can I have some requests?

[What is it?]

Can I be a commoner in a secluded town?

[Of course you can! But I thought you wanted to be a princess of an empire? Or the daughter of a powerful noble?]

No thanks! Also, can I have my memories intact? My knowledge in martial arts might be of help to me if trouble does come.

[Yes, I've already thought of that beforehand. This is where we say goodbye... I bid you good luck...]

A strong force pulled my soul down and I felt like I'm fitting into a container. I slightly opened my eyes and tried moving my limbs.

Whoa, I'm really back into a tween. This is amazing!!

"Mom, Sunni's awake!!" A boy around fifteen with jet black hair and eyes shouted.

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