Chapter 59: Hae-In (1)

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***Helia's Viewpoint***

What did she just say? Was it Choi Hae-in?

"Choi Hae-in? I think I've heard that name somewhere before..." Alleria mumbled while the two male leads wore dumbfounded expressions. "Helia, is that name familiar to you as well?" She asked that another tear dropped from my right eye.

Hae-in, I was so sad when you died. I really missed you, I even came to your funeral. I really hoped that your death wasn't true. We could've been so happy together, even if your mom kept pushing me to desert you. I just... I couldn't leave you alone, and I think it made your beatings worse. For that, I'm sorry. I should've reported her to the authorities.

"What are you all looking at? Where am I? Wasn't I in my room?" She asked consecutively in a cold manner as she narrowed her eyes on us.

"Sol, it's me." Crown Prince Deimos replied in panic.

"Who the hell are you? 'Sol', who's that?"

"Solaris, what's happening to you?" Her brother asked but she just gave him a glare.

"I already told you, I'm Choi Hae-in." She turned around and walked to the glass window. "Based on your clothes, you're foreigners aren't you? Possibly English?" She slid the curtain away. "I'm in a some-sort-of palace but I don't think I've seen this particular palace. I've seen palaces like the Buckingham in England, Wales, Spain and more. What is your goal for kidnapping me? Is it perhaps for ransom?"

"It's not like that..!"--Crown Prince Deimos

"What're you saying all of a sudden?"--Crown Prince Licht

"Your get-ups, are you perhaps cosplaying?"

"Hae-in, it's me. I'm Sung Ji-Eun." I stepped in that she furrowed her eyebrows. She widened her eyes and stepped back.

"That's impossible, Ji-Eun is in Korea. How could you brazenly say that when you look nothing like her?" She crossed her arms and glinted her eyes.

I'm relieved you still remember me.

"'Choi Hae-in', who's that?"--Crown Prince Licht

"Why does that name sound strange?"--Crown Prince Deimos

"I think I heard that name..." Alleria trailed off then a bulb lit above her figuratively. "Ah, I remember! Wasn't she nicknamed 'The Tentalinguistical Prodigy'?"

"Yes, that's me. Now tell me the reason why I'm here or I'll call the cops."

She's still the same as ever. That's why I felt a familiar vibe from her when we first met, she was actually my close friend in my life as Ji-Eun.

"Hae-in, don't you remember? You already died." I replied awkwardly that she jolted up.

"That's impossible!! Then why am I here now?"

"Even I find it hard to believe but look. I swear to gad, I was Sung Ji-Eun and that girl over there was Park So-Hyun." I calmly said after taking a deep breath as I pointed at Alleria. "You died in the hands of your mom and so did we, but due to unforeseeable reasons. And now, we reincarnated into this world. You and I as the princesses of Heliontha and So-Hyun as the Grand Duke's daughter." I explained that she held her temple.

"Wait, I don't understand. I knew my mom didn't love me but how could she kill me just like that? And reincarnation was scientifically denied. I know because I took part in the research."

"Look at your hair Hae-in, isn't it weird?" She held a heap of her hair and her back fell to the floor.

"What's with this? How could this look like gold? Was this dyed when I was unconscious?"

"Hae-in, you still remember me as Ji-Eun right?" She nodded. "Do you remember the novel that I recommended to you?"

"You mean that novel entitled 'Princes' Unsatisfied Hedonism for the Saintly Princess'?" She asked with a disgusted expression that the two princes sweatdropped. "Is the title correct? I still recall how dense the Heroine was. How could she not notice the feelings of those princes?" The two princes held their laughter while Alleria sweatdropped.

Well, you're dense too. I don't blame you, no one dared to court you in the past.

"Yeah, and you became that princess."

"W-Wait, I became that pathetic excuse of a princess? This can't be happening. No, no, I refuse to even believe an ounce of your explanation. I'm getting outta here, whether you like it or not."

"Hae-in-- no, Princess Solaris. You must believe me even if all of it sounds nonsense to you. I know you're smart so you should know the situation you're currently in, of all people. This world is filled with magic, we should be able to subdue you altogether." She sighed.

"I can't believe a person immersed in science like me get tangled up in supernatural nonsense." She looked at the two princes, finally. "Golden blond hair and glowing golden eyes signifying the sun, muscular body and stern but a godlike face... you must be Heliontha's Crown Prince and the Heroine's siscon older brother, Cyrprus Licht diLumiere Heliontha." He flinched at her cringey description.

She still remembers those, how embarrassing.

"Platinum blond hair and twinkling sapphire eyes signifying the moon, a well-built body and also a godlike face... the male lead who was possessive of the Heroine, Crown Prince Deimos Rocher diRiviére Lunaria." Crown Prince Deimos scratched the back of his head.

"If you're really Choi Hae-in, how did you learn ten languages at once? I'm your fan but I just can't believe it." Alleria curiously asked.

"It was hard, but I needed to do it. I did all those things just so I could hear a few loving words from my mom, but I guess I did all of it for naught. Haizz..." She sighed. "I'm curious, who did the princess end up in the end?" I gazed at Alleria and she fidgeted her fingers.

"I... uhh... I..." She mumbled.

"Now I'm curious too!" Crown Prince Deimos agreed in excitement.

"Uhh... how should I put it... uhh..." I tapped Alleria's shoulder. "Helia..!"

"The second volume ended in tragedy. You sacrificed yourself to save the entirety of Aetheria." I sadly said.

"That naïve girl did that? Impossible. Whelp, I don't care."

I thought so too, but that's what Alleria told me.

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