Chapter 46: To Follow Her (1)

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***Helia's Viewpoint***

When I saw Princess Borealis, I felt a strong sense of déjà vu.

Isn't she the one Alleria was talking about five years ago? According to her, Princess Borealis is the evil twin sister of Solaris. But to think the Villainess of the second book is already here, she was supposed to appear five years later.

The Empress Consort planned for this, I know it.

Alleria looked at me in panic.

"What do we do now?" She asked.

"Let's just watch for now, we kinda changed the plot so maybe her attitude also changed."


We watched as the two princesses being tested and how they lied about what they saw. The Great Archmage was kinda annoyed that they told the truth right away. Solaris was embarrassed about it while Princess Borealis was distressed.

Solaris then admitted that she was the impostor that Alleria and I gasped.

No you're not, none of you is!

She asked to be exiled to Tournesol and immediately disappeared.

"Helia, what do we do about Princess Borealis?"

"I don't know, didn't you say that she's a wicked and cunning Villainess that tortured Solaris both physically and mentally? I think we don't have a chance against her."

"But we need to protect Solaris! There must be something we can do?"

"Let's just stay by her side so we have to follow her. She must be in her room now." She nodded in determination and we ran to Sunni Palace. When we arrived at her bedchamber, we only saw a crying Emi and an open cabinet.

"Hey, where's Solaris?"

"... gone..!" She replied and hiccupped.

"What do you mean 'gone'? Did she run away like what she told us lately?"

"Yes Your Royal Highness, she said that she loved us yet she didn't deserve us..! How lonely she must've felt when the other princess abruptly arrived!"

"You should've just stopped her!" I shouted. "You're her lady-in-waiting for Pete's sake, you could've at least done something to make her stay!"

"I'm sorry milady, she already made up her mind to leave. What was I supposed to do if my mistress wanted to do it?"

Crown Prince Licht, Crown Prince Deimos and the rest of the Crown Princes arrived.

"Where is she?!"--Crown Prince Licht

"Where's Sol?!"--Crown Prince Deimos

"Is she already gone?"--Crown Prince Brasier

Alleria, Emi and I just wore our sad expressions that they grimaced.

Solaris, I know that you think this is your only chance of being a commoner. But you should've brought us with you, you know that we're always in your side. Whatever conflicts may arise, we would always side with you.

"Sol, what am I supposed to do now? You just confessed to me earlier and now you left..." The Lunarian Crown Prince sadly muttered.

"You should've defended your position as the Imperial Princess, why did you lie? You and Borealis are twins!" My half-brother sighed that the others flinched.

"Twins?!" The Aetherian Crown Princes except Crown Princes Licht and Deimos asked in shock.

"Yep, she told me a while ago."

"But Licht, you only congratulated her. She didn't mention anything about being twins with Borealis." My future brother-in-law stated in wonder.

"Ah! About that, she told me in my mind. I don't know how she got the ability but she told me not to worry and asked me for a favor."

"You mean using telepathy?" Crown Prince Brasier inquired and he nodded. "What did she ask of you then?"

"Not to meet her again, she doesn't want us to see her or she'll undoubtedly return."

"Let's go then!" I declared with determination but he shook his head.

"No, it's the third favor she asked from me so I don't wanna let her down. Please, do as she said and let us live our lives without her."

Why did she say that? She really left us without saying anything, how are we supposed to help her?

"If you won't, I'll ask the someone else instead! Excuse me!" I grabbed Alleria's wrist and dragged her away. We boarded a carriage and set out to the Magic Tower. The mages there flocked around us and they scurried away when Solaris's magic teacher and Archmage Betelgeuse's second apprentice Sir Bon greeted us.

"Hello Royal Princess Helia and High Lady Alleria? I heard you're here to seek help?"

"Yes Sir Bon, can you help us?"--Me

"I don't know but I'll try, what place did she mention she was going?"

"Tournesol." Alleria and I replied in unison.

"I see, she really planned it out thoroughly. When she told me that she wanted to be a commoner, I took it as a joke but I really didn't imagine that she'd really do it. Ahem! Tournesol you say? Hmmm..." He rubbed his chin as he was deep in thought.

"Do you know something about it?"

"Ah, yes! Tournesol is located at the eastern part of Heliontha. It is actually an island surrounded by the sea so you have to board a ship to go there. You can't use teleportation magic to get there but you can still use magic in the town.

It is governed by Baron Chaud Tournesol and there are a few lawbreakers there. So if you're a criminal, excommunicated or you want to avoid being found, you can stay there but the information guild there reports you after three days of your arrival."

"Let's go now Sir Bon!"

"That might be difficult for now..."


"Master Betelgeuse advised me not to find her yet."

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