Chapter 3: Acclimatizing (1)

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"Are you lost little girl?" I saw a towering shadow from behind that urged me to turn around but I soon regretted what I've done when it grabbed both of my hands and tied it with a rope. He then dragged me away and to a mossy brick wall with two other men in ragged clothes.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt ya. We just want to return you to your worried parents." The one who tied me with messy brown hair and glinting amber eyes said then grinned showing his yellow teeth. The three then laughed hilariously.

"Oi! You should beg us or something so you could persuade us to release you. Or, do you want us to convince you instead?" He was about to slap me when he suddenly stopped and dropped his knees to the ground. The rest of them trembled in fear.

What just happened? I was really prepared to take the pain, how disappointing.

Someone landed in front of us from a higher place.

"How dare you gang up on a little girl! Have you no shame as men?!" There's a hint of anger and worry in his tone yet the three still took out a butcher knife, a rusty dagger and a scalpel.

"Shut up! You're just trying to be a hero to get the reward for yourself, aren't you?" The leader of the three angrily talked back that I heard my savior clicked his tongue. "Why don't we split the money? What do you say?" He added that annoyed me as well.

"I'm not a f*cking asshole like yourselves!!" My savior stated in frustration and dashed to attack them. He dodged successfully from their attempts to cut him down and hit the back of their necks with a karate chop. He tied all of them up and knelt to be eye-to-eye with me.

"Are you okay? What's your name?" He asked as he held my shoulders.

Now that I have a better look at him, he seems quite handsome. His spiky grey hair and emerald eyes that shine brightly even if it's against the light, his... pointy ears? Is he an elf?

"Sunni." I briefly replied still in a daze in front of a magical being.

"Sunni, you're not hurt before I came right? Should I bring you to the chief of this town or do you wanna go home?"

"Town chief..?"

He then lifted me off the ground and carried me like a baby to a luxurious yet old-looking mansion. A butler escorted us to the living room and the elf sat me on the couch next to him. Another man around his late forties arrived and sat on the couch opposite from us.

"Sir Elias, what brings an AA-class adventurer like yourself in my humble abode with a little girl?" He asked so I looked at the elf.

What, he's a freaking adventurer?! And AA-class as that?!

"I want to report a kidnapping, assault and attempted murder." He answered sternly not beating around the bush without paying attention to his words in front of a child.

"What, that's preposterous!! Nivernais is a peaceful town, aside from being the only neutral place that doesn't fall under an empire's rule. I for one can promise you this, not a single accident can happen here." Sir Elias reacted a bit over-the-line by punching the table into two.

"Preposterous, you say? Why did I witness this girl being hurt by those f*cking assholes?! If I didn't save her sooner, perhaps you're looking either at a corpse or a panicking family!!" The town chief shrieked and trembled.

Yeah, he deserves this!

"Si-Sir E-Elias, I sincerely apologize for my rude remark. I will surely compensate her family with anything they desire. Please, just don't report this to your guild..!" I then thought of something.

"Do you really mean that, grandpa?" I inquired innocently that he flinched and then nodded when he locked eyes with Sir Elias.

"Can you give some money to us, more than enough to renovate our house? Pretty please?"

"I'll try, you need at least ten kronas which is a quarter of the town's funds..." He trailed off. I looked at Sie Elias and tilted my head.

"Ten kronas is equivalent to ten gold coins. Five hundred niseis or silver coins make up a krona and a hundred guidons or copper coins make up a nisei." He explained that I nodded in understanding.

They have strange currencies indeed.

"Five kronas should suffice." I demanded that he sweatdropped.

"Can I give you one of my houses instead?" I looked at the elf but he just shrugged. "It'll be a serious problem if the townspeople find out that the town has insufficient funds."

"Fine, but make sure that it's still safe to live in and has some land around it that we can plant some vegetables there. If not, I'll torture you." I emphasized the last part and released some bloodlust that he stiffened in his position. Sir Elias moved my head to his direction out of the blue.

"What was that?"

I beamed out a smile. "What are you talking about Mr. Adventurer?" I feigned ignorance.

"Nothing... it's nothing. Just that, the bloodlust seconds ago... never mind." He replied in hesitation.

He noticed? I released it as inconspicuous as possible, did he get scared perhaps? Nope, that's not possible, he's too strong to even perceive it.

"Can I see that property you were talking about?" I asked the town chief and he nodded in defeat. "Okay, lead the way." I added and we then left his 'humble abode'.

We arrived at a house as big as an inn with enough land to farm. The brick walls were covered with moss and dead vines and the windows have dirty glass panes. A man wearing a stern expression and has a bulky build came to greet us while holding a rake with a wooden handle.

"Hello Chief, Sir Elias and... who might you be?" He knelt for us to be on eye-level.

"Hi Sir, I'm Sunni!" I replied in high spirits that I saw imaginary hearts in his eyes and he blushed.

"So cute!!" He squealed while touching his cheeks.


The town chief cleared his throat to catch our attention. "Ahem! Mr. Abe, will you show this youngster around?"

"Can I??"

"Can Sir Elias go with me?" I used my charms on them that they blushed.

"If that's what you want then okay." The adventurer agreed and we left the town chief alone.

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