Chapter 43

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Yay another update!!! This song is for Nikki, she's really a great friend to Mikaela, in my opinion.


Chapter 43

I signed the paperwork.  This was officially our facility for the next six months.  In two weeks the study would officially start.  Our candidates were going to be staying with us for the next twelve weeks.  I'd hired on three specialists and twelve nurses so that there'd be medical attention twenty-four seven.  Our team would get to go home, but our patients would be staying.  The construction crew was currently knocking down walls and going to rebuild them.  Every patient would have their own private bedroom and bathroom.  

It had been nearly a week since my fumbling phone call with Trent.  There hadn't been a day that I hadn't thought of him.  

"You're going to run yourself ragged if you don't learn to delegate." 

I nearly jumped out of my skin.  I turned to see Nikki with a smirk on her face.  "Jeez, you scared the bejeebers out of me!" I breathed.

"You've been on radio silence."

I shrugged.  "I've just had a lot to do."

"Your friend Meri called me.  You've got your team worried.  You're a workaholic, but this seems a little much, even for you."

I sighed and led Nikki away from the construction.  "What's going on?"

"How much sleep have you gotten this week?"

I shrugged.  "I don't know, ten hours maybe." 

"So, you're burning the candle at both ends?"

I nodded.  "I don't have much time.  I need to make it all count."

"I call bullshit."

"Shut up, I'll sleep when I'm dead." I deflected.

"I want that to be a long time from now.  When did you eat last?"

"Um," I paused.  "About three or so?" I guessed.

"It's after nine.  You need food.  You're coming with me, they'll be fine for a few hours."

I sighed and relented.  Nikki brought me to an all night burger joint.  She ordered me a burger and milkshake and ordered me to sit in the booth.

"What are you really doing here?"

"Looking out for my friend because she doesn't want to look out for herself." Nikki warned.  

"Number forty-three," the guy behind the counter called.  

"That's us," Nikki grabbed our food and plopped it in front of us.  "Cheese fries?" I asked with a smirk on my face.  

"You remember when we had to have these for all of our all-nighters?"

"Of course I do."

"Good.  Listen here lady," Nikki started as she pulled a fry out and chomped on it.  "Because I'm only going to say this once.  You better get your head out of your own ass."

I stared at Nikki flabbergasted.  "Wh-what?"

"You know what." Nikki warned.  "You're not sleeping, you're not eating.  Don't give me your 'I forgot' bullshit excuse.  What's going on?  I get that Trent hurt you.  I also know he's called me every single day trying to get info out of me about you."

The ArrangementOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora