Chapter 54

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I spent the night at my parents' place.  The next day I scheduled a locksmith.  Jason was more or less the go-between for me and Trent. 

He'd sent me a text, checking up on me, but our communication was still pretty much nonexistent.

It seemed like it was just one more thing to deal with. Saturday came quicker than I wanted.  I'd spent the past hour in hair and make-up while someone got me "camera ready."

I was so over it.  The make-up artist had chastised me about the last time is gotten my eyebrows done, which was never, and tried to teach me the art of contouring.

Practical?  Not so much, especially when half the time my job required me to be underwater.  Plus there was the fact that I really didn't care about it.

When that had been finished, Nikki had escorted me to wardrobe and gave me three choices.  Well, she said choices, but she'd already made up her mind.

I was now wearing a fitted cream dress, that was too short, in my opinion, and came to about mid-thigh with a slit in the back.  It "hugged me in all the right places" as Nikki assured me. 

"You're going to go out there, smile, pretend your confident.  No one needs to know you're anything else."  Nikki assured me as I was led to the stage.  The lights were blinding and I stumbled as Nikki shoved me and I was met with roaring applause and made my way over to the hosts. 

"Mikaela Nero, ladies and gentlemen!"  The very pretty woman smiled.  "Thanks for joining us!" 

"Sure, thanks," I smiled weakly, obviously nervous.

"Marcus and I are excited to have you here. I just wish it were under happier circumstances."  

Marcus was a tall, dark skinned man with a shaved head and dark eyes.  His smile seemed whiter than the pretty woman's, what was her name again?  Veronica or something?  "That's right, Vanessa.   Mikaela, you've been pretty tight lipped to the media since you first stepped into the spotlight.  What's changed now?"

I shrugged.  "Honestly, I'm kind of hoping that once my side of the story is out there that I might get some semblance of privacy."

"Fair enough.  So, what exactly happened to you and Trent that made everything fall apart?  There's been lots of speculation.  Would you clear some of that up for us?"

I gulped and nodded.  "Sure.  I want to start off with I have nothing bad to say about Trent.  He's not a bad guy, he didn't cheat on me, he didn't hit me.  This was nothing like that."

"So what did happen then?"  Vanessa pressed, over eagerly, as she tucked a stray curl behind her ear.

"It's just the best thing for us at this point."

"So that hand shaped bruise that was on your face, that wasn't Trent?"

I shook my head. "Trent wasn't even conscious when that happened.  That was right after his accident."

"Then who was responsible?"  Vanessa pressed again.

I glanced to Nikki off in the wings.  She nodded encouragingly.  "That was from Donovan Ralston."  I answered simply.

"Trent's father?"

I nodded.  "Yes, it's public record.  A report was filed, but no charges were placed."

"Why not?"  Vanessa smiled.  She reminded me of a hawk with her predatory smile and beak-like nose.

"That is a private matter, so all I will say is that emotions were high for all of us."

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