Chapter 50

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There's probably about 10 - 15 chapter left in this story.  It won't be finished before Royal Bitch is released this Wednesday, but probably close.  I'll probably be posting updates every 2 - 3 days.  Thanks again for sticking with me through this! 


Katrina was handling everything legally for me, Rory was doing most of the on site work and I was either at the hospital or the aquarium.  I couldn't just sit at the hospital for days on end, it would make me crazy and there was nothing I could do to help Trent by being there 24/7.  I also had too much riding on me to be squandering my time being completely unproductive.  Trent was doing better every day, getting stronger and after another week they took out the tubes and moved him from ICU. 

My days consisted of my duties at the aquarium, stopping by the site and checking up progress, I'd delegate what needed to be done, then I'd head to the hospital.  Trent and I would watch movies, play cards, read to each other.  He was bored most of the time.  He had his laptop to work and amuse himself when I wasn't there.  We swapped stories.  My parents came and brought dinner more than once, plus plenty of embarrassing stories that I would never have told Trent in a million years.  It was a strange routine, but oddly enough, it was becoming comfortable.

I had a cot next to Trent's bed, but more often than not, I ended up in bed cuddled up with him.  He insisted it helped him sleep.  Not that I was complaining.  It was nice being held by him again.  Trent talked in his sleep more while he was on pain killers.  We'd joke about the things he would say.  Since we'd both said the "l" word our dynamic had changed.  It had become something comfortable and wonderful.  We'd both screwed up, more than either of us deserved.  Neither of us had been handed a fair set of cards.  We were both screwed up in our own ways, but I was beginning to think we were better together than on our own.

Trent had been in the hospital three weeks when I came in and stopped in my tracks.  Trent was signing something for Donovan. 

Donovan looked over his shoulder and smiled.  It wasn't a pleasant smile.  "I'm glad you saw things my way."  He sneered.  He walked past me, shoulder checking me as he left.

"Ow," I muttered, rubbing my shoulder as I made my way to Trent's bedside.  "What was that about?" 
Trent didn't look me in the eye.  Something was wrong.


"You should go."  Trent said, his voice hard. 

"Go?  Go where?  I just got here.  Trent, what did he say?"

"Mikaela, you should go.  Get your friend Katrina to write up the divorce papers.  I'll sign them."

I froze. "What?"

"Go get the divorce papers drawn up.  You're free.  Your research is still funded.  You don't have to pretend anymore."  Trent growled, still not looking at me.

"This isn't you."  I said, my voice shaking.

"You should go."

I felt tears stinging my eyes.  "I know this isn't you talking.  What did he make you sign?"

"No one made me do anything.  You can leave."

"I don't want to."

"What do you want, Mikaela?"

"You know what I want.  If you want me to go that badly, then you have to look me in the eye, tell me you don't love me and tell me you want me gone."  I challenged.  "Because just yesterday you told me you loved me."

I felt part of my heart breaking.  It wasn't all a lie.  I knew it wasn't.  He was a good actor, but he wasn't that good.  

"What does that prove?  This was a business arrangement.  Nothing more.  I have what I wanted.  You have what you wanted.  Now we walk away.  As soon as I'm cleared, I'm leaving.  I'm out of here and we never see each other again.  Got it?"

"No."  I said quietly, but firmly.  "No.  That's not how this works."

"Yes, it is."

"No, it isn't because that's not what either of us wants anymore."

"It might not be what you want, but it's what I want."

"You're lying.  Why are you lying?"

"Because I got what I want.  Everything has always been a lie."

"What did your father say?  Did he threaten you?  Did he threaten me?  Because he already threatened me.  He tried to buy me off.  That's why my face looked like it did when you woke up.  I told him no.  I called him out.  When that happened he hit me.  I had him banned while you were in ICU but I didn't press charges.  Don't let him win.  He's miserable, but you don't have to be."  I pled.  "Trent, you're not a bad man.  Sure you've got flaws, but so do I.  You might be a little deceitful, manipulative sure.  But you're more than that.  You're the man that figured out all my favorite meals without me telling him.  You're the man that went to get my father's approval even when he denied you.  You're the man that is Chastity's uncle who gets her to wear her lifevest by pretending you want the princess life jacket.  This isn't you.  And even if I don't know you all that well yet, I've been able to figure out who you really are.  And damn it, I know when you're lying to me."

"Are you finished?"  Trent asked, still purposely not looking me in the eye.

"Trent, I know this started out as a way for you to win against your brother.  I know that.  But I also know that it changed for you.  When you'd make me dance, even if there was no music.  The way you took care of me.  Even when you didn't have to.  Trent, don't do this."

"Either have Katrina draw up the papers or I will."  Trent repeated.  He turned completely away form me.

I had tears in my eyes.  Whatever Donovan had said or done really affected him.  "You promised."  I whispered.  I saw his shoulders stiffen.  He didn't want this.  I knew it.  "If you honestly don't love me, if you honestly want me out of your life for good, you get the papers drawn up.  You write that in there.  You look me in the eye and you tell me that, then you can sign your name next to it as a sworn testimony."  I huffed.  "If any of what I just said isn't complete and utter bullshit, then you do that."
On that note I left.  

I had two people in mind one of them could help me.  With shaking fingers I called one of them.


"Hey, this is Mikaela."

"Oh boy, what's Trent done?"

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