Chapter 2

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This is for Erica because she is awesome <3

Alright, since you guys seem to like this, I'll continue it.  Honestly, this is something I wrote for shits and giggles, and yes, I understand it's an overused plot line, all the same, it's something I wrote for my own amusement.  If it amuses you as well, fantastic, if not, you don't have to read it.  It's that simple <3


Chapter 2:  I did what!?!

The next thing I knew I was strapped down.  There was something poking into my arm and fluorescent lights were above me.  At least three people were around me.

“Who are you, again?”

“Her husband,”

“We’ve got it from here,”

“I’m coming with you.” 

“What’s going on?” I squeaked out.

“You passed out, honey.  We’re going to get you checked out.”

“Who are you?  Why are you calling me honey?”

“It seems she’s having trouble remembering things too.  We’ll check that out in the hospital.  Sir, if you’ll just follow us.”

“What is going on?” I groaned.

“Sweetheart, you’re going to be checked out at the hospital.” I felt someone grab my hand.  “You’re getting in an ambulance right now.  Don’t worry, I’m right here for you.”

I felt warmth spreading from my arm and I looked to see an IV sticking out when everything went fuzzy and I felt like I was floating.  The next thing I knew I smelt antiseptic and plastic.  There is only one place that has this distinct smell.  I looked around and everything was immaculate with a little curtain divider separating my half of the room.  I was in a hospital.  The question was, why?

I felt alright.  I moved all my fingers and toes, I had all my appendages.  It didn’t feel like I had stitches anywhere, the only thing that hurt was the IV sticking out of my arm.  I hit the little nurse’s call button on my bed when he walked in.  Flashes starting coming back.  He was carrying two cups of coffee.

“Hey, I wasn’t sure how you like your coffee.” He smiled at me.  “I have one black, and one with cream and sugar.”

“I’ll take the black one,”

He handed it to me.  “How are you feeling?”

“Pretty alright.  Why am I here?”

“You hyperventilated.  The doctors said that once you were awake you were allowed to go home.”

“Right, how do I know you?”

“We’re kind of married,” he offered with a small smile.

“Crap, you’re right, you were telling me about this earlier and I had a panic attack.  Look, I’m sure you’re a great guy, but I have to get back to my life.  I can’t do this, I’m sorry.”

“You kind of already have.”

“You don’t seem to be understanding, I can’t be married to you.”

“Well, you are.”

I sighed.  “Look, I don’t want to be.  Let’s get this annulled and we can both forget this stupid little mistake.”

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