Chapter 41

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Here you go my lovelies, I would have had this up earlier today, but I added a few more pages because I wasn't satisfied with where it ended.  Today, perfectionism has ended in your benefit!  I haven't edited yet, enjoy my darlings!!! <3


Chapter 41

“Hey,” Trent offered with a weak smile.

After a moment I mirrored him, “Hey.”

“You okay?” I shrugged and Trent nodded.  “Looks like you wen’t fishing.  Did you catch - ”

“Don’t do that.” I cut him off.  “Why are you here?”

Trent sighed and let his head hang.  He looked like a kicked puppy.  “I was waiting.”

“Why are you here specifically?” I asked gesturing to my parents’ house.

“You weren’t at home, you changed the locks, and I had a feeling you’d be pissed if I bombarded you at work.”

I nodded.  He was right.  “Well?” I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

“Can we talk?”

“That’s generally what people refer to what we’re doing here.”

“Right.” Trent looked nervous, almost haggard.  I noticed bags under his eyes.  It looked like he hadn’t slept much.  Good.  His eyes met mine.  “I’m not so good with words.” Trent rubbed the back of his head.  “Screw it. Mikaela, I met this incredible woman.” I didn’t even try to hide the hurt in my eyes.  Really?  This is what he wanted to talk about?  This is why he came out here?  What the hell was wrong with him?  “She’s gorgeous.  That was the first thing I noticed about her.” What an ass!  I felt the tears start to sting my eyes.  I spun on my heel.  I wasn’t going to sit here and listen to this.  “Wait!” Trent grabbed my hand.  “Because, as I got to know her, I found out she's more than that.  She’s brilliant, way smarter than me.  She’s funny without even trying, she doesn’t even know when she’s being funny.  And she’s got an incredible heart.  It’s loyal to those she cares about, but she guards it, and I can understand why.  She’s been hurt, a lot.  Hell, even I hurt her with my carelessness.  Honestly, she should hate me.  She should wish that terrible things happen to me, but she doesn’t strike me as the malicious type.  She strikes me as the suffer in silence type, I don’t think she’ll badmouth me, even when she has every right to, instead, I think she’d keep her head held high and take the high road.  Even though I played the villain, I don’t think she’ll villainize me to the world.  Considering her father hasn’t pointed a shot gun at me yet I don’t think she’s even told her family what’s happened.  She should hate me, but like the selfish bastard I am I hope she doesn’t.  I hope she’ll let me explain and hear the entire story before she shuts me out forever.”

“What makes you think she wants to listen to you?”

“I don’t.  And I know I don’t deserve it.”

“Why should she believe a single word you say?”

Trent shrugged.  “Mikaela, I’m an asshole.  I’m sorry, for what it’s worth.  Please, sit down.  Can we talk?  I owe you an explanation if nothing else.  Please, just listen.  If I tell you everything and you never want to see me again, I’ll leave you alone.  I won’t bother you again.  I’ll still fund your research, but you’ll never see me again.  Please?”

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