Chapter 35

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Sorry this is late, I had some symptoms, so it took me longer than I expected to get this written.  Also, I'm no longer going to do the vote and comment thing because I can't keep up.  I'll continue to update as often as I can, I hope you guys understand!  I haven't edited yet, but enjoy my darlings! <3


Chapter 35

“What do you mean, truce?” Donovan repeated, his voice deadly.

“I bargained with my wife.” Trent offered.  “It’s no different than when you bargain with Mom.  You buy her cooperation with trinkets and shiny things.  Is it so shocking I learned from the best.”

“What are you bargaining for?”

“Mikaela didn't want to come here.”

“Why is that?” his eyes landed on me and it felt like they were piercing right through me.  “Tell me why you didn’t want to come out here.”

“I do important work, and point blank, you intimidate the hell out of me.”

“Why are you so worried about us?  Do you have something to hide?”

I shook my head.  “Not hide, but there are things in my past I prefer to leave there.  Things like the fact that my biological father nearly killed me when I was toddler.  Things that you so callously feel a need to bring to the light.”

“Those are the sort of things that will be brought to the light regardless.  I prefer to know about the next scandal before it’s splashed across America.” 

“Dad, what you did was wrong.  You purposely embarrassed her.  You embarrassed my wife in front of the Hastings.  What were you trying to prove?”

“You know exactly what I was proving.” Donovan growled.  “Mikaela, you and I should talk.”

“Dad, now is not the time.”

“It’s the perfect time.  Your brother is looking for you.  Mikaela, you and I need to have a talk.”

“Trent, I’ll be fine.” I assured him.  I felt nauseous and my heart was hammering in my chest.

“Okay, if you’re sure.” 

I followed Donovan down to his study where he closed the door behind us.  “You and I need to talk.”

“So you’ve mentioned.”

“Have a seat.”  I obliged.  “This whole scenario seems rather too convenient.”  I stared at Donovan.  He hadn’t asked me a question, so I didn’t provide an answer.  When in doubt, stay quiet.  “Why exactly were you in Vegas that day?”

“I was celebrating with my sister.”

“The occasion?”

“Her twenty-first birthday.”

“Why did you elope with my son?”

I gave him a grim smile.  “I got drunk off a drink I didn’t believe to be alcoholic.  Trent finally convinced me to marry him.”

“Do you regret it?”

I shrugged.  “I regret that my family wasn’t there.  I regret that my father didn’t get to walk me down the aisle.”

“How long have you and Trent been seeing one another?”

I shrugged.  “A while now.  It was hush hush, not something I wanted broadcasted.  Trent was good enough to respect my wishes.”

The ArrangementΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα