Chapter 44

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Enjoy my darlings!


Chapter 44

I got up early and picked up coffee and donuts.  Who could be mad at me if I had donuts?  That's what I hoped for at least.  I was first in.  I got everyone's favorite drink from Starbucks and I waited.  I was pouring over the contract, but not really reading it.  I just wanted to do something to occupy my time and hands.  Rory was the first in.  

"Hey, you're here early." he gave me his easy smile as he took a seat next to me.  "Donuts?"

"You know it!" I gave a tightlipped smile.  

"You okay, Kae?" Rory asked, his eyes locked on mine.

I nodded.  "I think so."

"You seem different today.  What changed?"

"My eyes are open." I admitted with a shrug.  "Listen, I know I've been off lately, and I'm sorry about it.  I haven't been a very good leader, and I've been a worse friend.  Not just to you, but this whole team.  We need each other, and I've just been going through the motions.  It's not fair to you, and I'm sorry."

"Come here," Rory sighed as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer.  "It's no big deal."  Rory promised as he rested his head on top of mine.  "So long as the real Mikaela is back."

I laughed a little and relaxed into him.  Here was the Rory I missed.  The good friend I'd always been able to depend on.  

"Because I like her a whole lot more than crazy, emotional, depressed Mikaela." Rory teased.

I could hear the smile in his voice.  I playfully jabbed his side and eased out of the embrace.  "Yeah, I'm not a fan of her either." I admitted as I set the contract aside.  "How's everything been with you?"

Rory shrugged.  "Got to be honest, I've missed you.  I've been worried about you.  We, well we all have." 

I smiled at him.  "By the way, Director Hildebrandt was asking some weird questions about you.  What's up with that?"

I shook my head.  "I've got it under control."

"Are you going to share the weight, or keep it all to yourself?"

"I can't ask that of you." I admitted.  "It's my fight."

"We're a team."

"It's not that simple."

"What's not that simple?" Jason asked as he walked up, his fingers laced in Meri's.  "Oooh, donuts!" he perked up and swiped on.  "Is this mine?" he asked holding up the coffee with his name on it.

I smiled up at him.  "You know it."

"From you?" Jason asked as he took a bite of his donut.  

"Who else?" I laughed.

"What's going on?" Meri asked as she cautiously took the cup with her name.

"Chai tea." I smiled at her.  "And this is my way of saying sorry.  I've been . . . distant.  I haven't been myself.  I wanted to say sorry.  It's been brought to my attention you guys have been worried.  Sorry for that.  I let the stress kind of get to me, and I'm putting an end to it." I admitted feeling embarrassed, but somehow relieved too.

"Water under the bridge, darl." Jason assured me before to he took a swig.

"Thanks guys.  Well, you guys have breakfast, I'm going to get to work."

The ArrangementOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora