Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Jenny Caron

This is for Jenny because I miss her and I came across this video again and it made me smile and reminsce so yeah <3

This seems to be the favorite story I'm currently updating.  I'm glad you guys like it, and this is probably the last update for about two weeks because that's when I'm moving and I have things to take care of.  If I have time, I will update, but if I don't, don't get mad.    Anywhoosers here it is, so vote and comment <3


Chapter 3

So here I am, despite my protests, on the Ralston family jet.  I am curled up in a ball, my knees pulled up to my chest, doing everything in my power not to look out the window.  I’m quite alright, I don’t need to see that I’m only a few thousand feet above the ground with only a thin layer of sheet metal keeping me from plunging to my death.  I felt someone sit in the seat next to me. 

“Trent, if that’s you, go away.”

“My boobs look way too amazing to be Trent.” I heard Nikki chuckle, and I knew she had a cheeky little grin on her face without looking.

“What do you want, Nikki?”

“To see if you’re doing alright?”

“No, why would I be?”

“I know how you are with flights is all.” Nikki murmured rubbing my back.  “Why don’t we play a game and get your mind off of everything?”


“Want some wine?”


“Want to do anything but sulk?”


Nikki sighed.  “Then you leave me no choice.”  I heard Nikki get up and relaxed a little until I heard someone else sit back down.

“Nikki said you wanted something,” I heard Trent’s voice purr.

“No.  She lied.”

“Are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

“She said you were terrified of flights.”

That bitch.  “No, I’m fine with them.  I’m just a little hung-over.” I assured him.

“Do you want to lie down?”

“I’m fine.” I repeated, now getting very annoyed.

“Can I get you something to eat or drink?”

“No, but you can go away.” I grumbled into my lap.

“I’m worried about you.”


“Don’t what?”

“Don’t be worried.  I’m perfectly fine for starters, and secondly, just whatever.”

“Yeah, you sound fine.”

“Go away.” I groaned.

“Look at me.”

“No.  Go away.”


“Go away.”

“Not until you look at me.”

I grudgingly looked into those greenish-grey eyes of his.  “Fine, now go away.”

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