Chapter 10

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Hello all! Where have I been? I have been working on my small business and school just finished up for the summer.

In the mean time, here is some Mikaela and Trent nonsense :) Enjoy!

I'm a 90's kid so how about a blast from the past!!!! Enjoy the music


Chapter 10

To my surprise, Trent wasn't that hard to talk to. He actually listened to my answers too.

"I have a question now."

"Shoot." Trent smiled as he took a sip of his beer.

"What are you getting out of all of this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just that. I mean, here you are, out of the blue funneling god knows how much money into something you know nothing about."

"It benefits me to make you happy."

"That makes no sense."

"Mikaela, you are stuck with me for at least a year. Would that not be more pleasant if you were at least mildly appeased?"

"That's another thing, we need to define what exactly this year is going to be."


"A contract."

"A written contract is dangerous. I'd rather it not be on paper."

"If you are a man of your word, I can respect that. If you don't keep your word I could always go to the tabloids."


"So then, you need to tell me exactly what you expect this to be."

"What do you expect it to be?"

"Hey! You're that girl!" a woman in her late thirties shrieked. I looked over to her. She was plump with wildly curly hair. "And you're Trent Ralston! I can't believe it, you're here like normal people." This created a buzz in the restaurant.

I wanted to sink under the table and die. The whole restaurant was staring at us.

"I think it's time we go." Trent threw a bill on the table, grabbed my hand and pulled me with him. After we were away from everyone I sat down and held my side. I'd moved way too fast and it was aching. "Are you alright?"

"I'll be fine," I grumbled out. I closed my eyes to try to focus on ignoring the pain. Broken ribs suck.

"No, you aren't." Trent sighed. I looked up at him. I didn't understand the look on his face. "I think you need to get checked out. I'm worried about you."

"I will when we get back to Atlanta." I grimaced.

Trent raised an eyebrow. "If nothing else, it will give you something for the pain."

He had a point, but . . . "Honestly, I really don't like pain meds. They make me loopy."

"Would you rather be in pain?"

"Trent, you can't bully me into going."

"I'm not trying to bully you." Trent growled through clenched teeth. "I am trying to help you. I am trying to take care of you."

I sighed then winced. Even that hurt. Maybe he did have a point.

"Mikaela, you okay?"

I looked up to see Jason with a sassy looking petite woman with long black hair slung across his arm.

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