Chapter 58

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I flopped down onto my bed, physically and mentally exhausted. This was the last week of our study and it had also been tank day at the aquarium. I had a letter that had been delivered to me from Katrina. When I opened it another envelope fell out of the paperwork she had sent me. It had an M on the outside and I smiled.

I opened that envelope carefully.


Your last letter said everything I needed to hear. Damn, I miss you baby. It's hard to sleep without you in my arms. I can't wait to do that again. How is your study going? Should be just about finished, right? Do you need anything? What can I do?

I feel so helpless. I've never felt like this before, it's driving me nuts! How can I help when I can't even see you? I'm back in Vegas. Ignore the tabloids, we both know they're full of lies. You are the only woman I want in my bed and in my arms. The woman in the photos in the head of the financial department. And I'd rather fuck a cactus than put my dick anywhere near her. Besides, how the hell am I supposed to do much of anything with my leg like this? The cast comes off in two weeks, then I get to start PT.

Don't underestimate yourself, baby.

You are worth it. You are worth all the frustration I'm going through right now. You are worth every sleepless night that I toss and turn because you aren't here with me. You are worth every obnoxious whore who thinks they have a chance. You are worth gritting my teeth and letting my father talk. I can't wait for this act to be over and to have you again. Nick is my only friend here. I don't think I even want the 2% anymore. Not if it means losing you.

My father may have built the company up from the ground up, but he's not the sort of man I want to be. He's not the sort of man I want to impress anymore either. I went out to see him and I watched him and Helena and they're not in love. He cares for her, sure, but she's not his sun. She isn't the reason he gets out of bed in the morning. She isn't the goddess he wants to worship. His god is green and cold and he's miserable. She is just a trophy for him.

Before you, I wanted nothing more than to impress him. I even let him tear apart the last love I had. I won't repeat that mistake. Don't think I'm comparing you to her, because that's like comparing night and day. The two of you both are incredible women, but I never want another woman but you. If that means I have no one, I'd prefer that. You are everything good that I've become.

You've made me realized what I fool I was. I never should have lied to you. I never should have tried to manipulate you. I never should have hid who I was. I wish I could take it all back. It might have started as an act, but the act became the truth. You are who I want. You are what I want. Don't forget what you are. If anyone tells you differently, write down their names and I will personally kick their ass for you, baby.

I promise you both of those favors. No more lies. No way in hell will I let you down. I will move heaven and earth for you if that will make you happy. Have faith in me baby. I am doing this for you. I am doing this for us. I love you.


I couldn't have stopped the smile that spread across my face if I wanted to. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Suddenly, I wasn't as tired. I thought back and realized I hadn't eaten since before noon. Trent would chastise me if he was here. I got up and put a frozen pizza in the oven and got out pen and paper.


I'm going to need you to stop being so good at this.

I have no idea what the tabloids have said, you know I don't read them. Nikki was always the one to tell me when I was in them before. But you probably don't want to do that with a cactus, that might hurt.

The study is going great, the results are lining up with my theory and it looks good. Once the study is over, then I'll be doing a lot of analyzing and I'll be working closely with Dr. Quinn and Dr. Ramsey. Hopefully by then we'll actually be able to talk. I miss you too.

This apartment never seemed too big before you, but now . . . I miss you being here. I've never let anyone comfort me after a nightmare before you. I never went to my mother. I never went to my dad. I just dealt with it. You've taught me I don't have to do everything alone. There are people who are willing to come with me through life. There are people who don't see my burdens as burdens. You've shown me that I'm not a burden.

I've learned how to appreciate people because of you. My mother still thinks I'm a lunatic for allowing you to divorce me. She doesn't understand why I won't tell her what happened. She is convinced that either you did something unforgivable or I did. She's pretty sure it's all your fault though. When you get back, you might want to bring her something shiny.

I miss you. I miss how you could make me feel safe when I was scared. I love that you made me try new things, even if I came kicking and screaming. Thank you for being patient with me, even if it was because you had no other choice. I love you and I miss you.


I read my letter over twice before putting it in an envelope and the timer on my oven went off. I got myself a slice of pizza and pulled out the paperwork from Katrina. Trent's assets were being transferred to me. I still wasn't comfortable with it, but it had been written into our divorce agreement.

I read through the details of everything while I munched on my pizza and when I'd gone through everything and initialed and signed everywhere I needed to I put everything back, including the letter for Trent. I'd call her tomorrow, it was late. I hoped she'd get that to Trent for me. I cleaned up and when I went to sleep with a smile on my face.


Short Chapter, I know, but I wanted to get something up. More to come soon! Awww Mikaela is finally being honest with herself! Took her long enough. What do you guys think? Do you think Mikaela is giving up who she is? Do you think Trent has really changed or is this an elaborate act? Do you think Donovan's going to get his just desserts? Who else do you think is involved? Hmmm? Hmmm? Thanks for reading my darlings! <3

Teaser: Drama at the aquarium! Director Hildebrandt is finally going to be dealt with! Anyone else tired of his BS? Plus, an encounter with the paparazzi!

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