5. Found annoyance

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I was currently standing outside the shop, under the shade, waiting for the so-called brother of my dearest best friend to come and pick me up, and also simultaneously trying to keep my thoughts from diverting towards this morning, and his half-naked body, his biceps, his pecks, his abs...


What the hell is wrong with me?

Even though I was standing under the shade the wind was so strong, that it was blowing the rain in my direction, and I was getting sprinkled upon by it now and then. If it would have been in the form of a soft drizzle, and I wouldn't have had to sit in a car in upcoming minutes, I might have actually enjoyed it. But now the thought of getting into a car, when half my clothes and my hair were drenched, wasn't that appealing.

I have a feeling that Kabir already isn't a fan of mine, and he might even leave me here stranded or can ask me to get an auto and then a metro when he sees that I can ruin his car seats. 

But I also didn't want to keep standing inside the store and let him think I was not waiting for him. 

Latika said he'd be here soon, and I was standing here for the last 15 minutes, each minute turning me restless and boiling my blood from the inside.

Not at him though. The delay was understandable with the weather and Delhi's traffic. 

But I was irritated at myself. Why did I agree, to let him pick me up? I was wasting both his and my time. Was I so desperate to annoy him further?

Or is it a desperation to just be in his presence?  something whispered from inside me and I scowled at no one in particular. 

I am not agreeing with that thought. I am not even thinking about it. I looked around and saw a little white rose plant, kept at the front stairs of the store. It was under the shade, but it was also being showered by the rain droplets and they were shining like pieces of smooth glass on it. 

The rose was so heavy that it might tilt toward the ground, but the owner had stuck a wooden stick to support it. 

"Mumma, why did you put that stick in that pot ?"

"So that, it can support the flower from falling," she said washing her hands under the sink.

"Like you add an extra pillow by my side at night so that I wouldn't fall?" I asked with a grin, and she laughed.

"Yes like that. Come on let's see what to make for dinner"

I smiled a little at the memory but then a frown took over my features when I remembered what had gone down that night by the use of that same stick.

A blazing horn caught my attention and I whirled my head around, coming face to face with a scowling Kabir looking at me through the window of the passenger side door.

Scowling. What a pleasant surprise from his usual expressionless face. 

"I am here to pick up my sister's best friend," he said his expression going back to a blank one.

I rolled my eyes, running towards the car door, and settling inside as fast as I could.

"For someone with such a resting bitch face, your sarcasm sure is very lame," I said sitting at the edge of the seat trying not to spoil it and keeping the two shopping bags in the back seat.

"That wasn't sarcasm," he said starting the car and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah ?"

"Yeah. I am here to pick up my sister's best friend, and you weren't there, you were lost in your head somewhere" he said looking straight ahead, and I frowned,

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