19. Found Time

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Hey my pretty readers !

Okay I am really really really sorry for the late update. But my board exams are about to start soon, and I need to study for that.

That's why, I'm posting after such a long time.

Though I tried to make up for it, so I hope with all my heart that you'd like this chapter.


I felt the silk cloth beneath my fingers and smiled at Latika from across the couch.

'Perfect' I mouthed , and she beamed back.

She'd look perfect in this. Her phone chimed and her smile turned even more blissful if that was possible, and I knew that it was Jeet.

I have literally no idea how can love do that to you. It's like, you just have to take one look at her smile and you can tell it's Jeet.

I wonder if I'll ever be able to find that. For a split second Kabir crosses my mind, and the thought sounds scary as much as satisfying. I don't think I'd ever find it with him. The type of love that Latika and Jeet have. Kabir isn't the type of person, that would be able to provide that. He had made it clear himself so. And yet I still agreed for whatever game, me and Kabir have started playing. Just because we wanted to satiate this attraction and I myself wanted to tame my hunger for a proximity with him. Shouldn't I be resisting this, and end whatever we had started ? If I really want to find true and real authentic form of love, shouldn't I be out there looking for it ? But, when I remember the last 4 days since Latika's engagement, I am pretty sure I would stop nothing. Not one thing. Not the kisses. Not the touches. If that doesn't signify me being a dumb person I don't know what else will.

Not to mention the guilt that picks at my insides every time I look at every member of this house except for Kabir himself. Some of its because I am not able to think straight when I look at him.

"What's going on ?"

Speak of the devil.

My heart starts to thump in my chest at the voice. I should be getting used to it. I should be getting used to him. I even thought that being closer to him, would soon enough get us bored of each other, when we'll realise how we both don't fit together. But as much as I'm spending time with him, it's starting to backfire.

Because I'm starting to go crazy. For him.

I dare not turn around to take a look at his face.

"Oh we were just looking at the sarees those are to be packed. We'd have to send them soon, for sagai"

I gulp down. I can imagine Kabir nodding with a straight face. I feel him coming to stand just right behind me who's sitting on the couch. I feel someone's fingers mildly touching my shoulder, and I sit up straight instantly.

I was right. He's right behind me.

But I still don't turn around to take a look at his face.

Aunty and Latika's attention is once again caught by all the stuff that is laid around us.

I jump on my seat once again when I feel someone certain's finger grazing the side of my back.

Oh he's definitely doing this on purpose.

I still don't turn around but my attention Is purely focused on aunty and Latika. They are busy.

Kabir's finger works itself up towards the little area below my neck, through which my skin is exposed, because of the lose top I'm wearing, and as soon as his touch meets my skin, goosebumps rise all over my body, forcing me to sit back and let him touch me properly.

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