40. Epilogue : HEA

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5 years later

I throw my head back letting out a laugh when I look at Jeet's face losing color when he stares at his son, Maan, which is a nickname for Manan. 

Latika, looks at Jeet and Jeet stares at Latika. 

"No. No." Latika shakes her head. "It's on you this time" 

Jeet sighs defeated, after picking up a 2 year old Maan, and rushing towards the guest room, for changing his diaper, after the smell of poop hits us all. 

"I swear to God Aaru, he poops more than half of what he eats" 

I look at her with wrinkled eyebrows. "Is that even normal ?"

"The doctor said it's nothing to worry about" she replies, and I nod relaxed

Before I could speak again, tiny fingers grasp my elbow making me turn my head, and look at the intruder. 

The said intruder, makes my smile turn even more warm. 

"Yes baby ?" I ask, my little girl. 

"Mumma, more ice cream." 

I shake my head, at her. "No more ice cream" I pick her up situating her on my lap, "More ice-cream makes your throat hurt" I try to tell her, and her bottle lip juts out, tempting me to give in her request. 

The last time I did, both me and her dad had to stay up the whole night and keep her warm and entertained both. 

"Please mumma" her pony tails bob as she starts shaking her head, with one of her hair tie being loosened up. 

"Peehu, you need trust mumma baby" 

Jeet enters back into the living room, with Maan in his lap, who tries to wiggle out of his grasp to reach to touch the little butterflies on Peehu's hair ties. 

The little guy has been enamored by those since his eyes landed on them. Peehu looks at him with another kind of wonder. She isn't used to seeing small babies much, and seeing her stare at Maan with curiosity and wonder makes me smile, even though she's only a year older than him. 

Yesterday was her 3rd birthday, which gave us a reason to throw her a party and invite almost every close friend and family. She has only been going to school since less than a month, so she hasn't been able to make much friends there, but many kids from the neighborhood we live in love her. 

Kabir says, she's way beyond mature for her age, and even though I want to disagree with him, I somehow agree. She isn't a kid who makes mess of things, or gets into trouble. She doesn't like to be sneaky or do stuff like bite other kids, or scratch them, or fight with them. If anything, she absolutely hates arguments. Even Kabir and me have to whisper if we argue over something. One time she heard us, she looked like she could cry right about then. And then later that night when we were watching her favorite cartoon, she jumped into her father's lap, and said, "It's okay papa, mumma scolds me too" 

We had looked at her, with horror, before letting out loud laughs, which made her jump with delight on Kabir's shoulders, and comb his hair with her little comb she uses on teddies. 

I also couldn't say that I would ever get used to seeing Kabir playing with her. It was a total disaster for my heart. Still is. The more she grew up, the more protective of a roll he turned into, but he also turned more light hearted. 

I never thought I'd ever see Kabir laughing and smiling at any other girl except for me. But here I was. And I wouldn't have asked for a better add on than our daughter. 

The said man, came out of the kitchen with four glasses of wine, and the bottle keeping them down on the coffee table we all were situated around. Bending down, he kissed Peehu's head, and then mine, before taking his seat beside me. 

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