17. Found Reason

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Hie Guys !

Here's another chapter for y'all.

It's a bit special and I hope y'all would like it. It starts from here.

Question : Who do you guys imagine Aarohi and Kabir as ?


Kabir's POV : 

She's a fucking torture, and I am a masochist. 

As soon as we entered the celebration hall, it didn't go unnoticed by me, how the heads had turned. For a moment, it was obviously for Latika, because it's her day. But when the initial surprise of seeing the woman of the day wore off, some eyes were still here. Those some eyes belonged to some of the guys of my age, Jeet's friends and some of the relatives from our side. 

I wasn't a fool to not figure out why they were staring. I turned my head sideways and saw Aarohi standing beside mummy smiling down at her, and admiring her saree. 

Her smile was so vibrant, and it was obviously just not me that smile was affecting. 

I was so weirded out by this uncontrollable urge of going and standing beside her to tell everybody that she's already taken. By me. 

But she obviously isn't, and even the thought scared me. 

I looked around once again seeing that some of the guys had already lost interest, but more than half of them still had their eyes trained on her. 

We get it, she's beautiful, tall, sensual. 

But nobody has to stare like that with their perverted eyes. 

I looked at her once again, and she nodded once again at my mother, subconsciously bringing all her hair to her right shoulder, and then turned around, walking down the aisle towards the stage, her skin visible through her backless dress-good fucking hell- the end of the strings dangling. 

The strings which I had tied, not any of these guys. 

I still remember her reaction and that helped a little to boost my ego. 

Her being so indifferent and not even noticing these guys staring at her, helped a little more too. 

She walked up the stage, saying Hii to Jeet and saying something which made him laugh. Latika hit her arm lightly and she threw her head back laughing. Which had all three of them laughing. Hell even my lips curled up at that. Her enthusiasm and laughter is contagious. 

I still remember the way I smiled so wide at her today, and how shocked, yet so proud she looked. I will smile a thousand times just like that, to see that look on her face. Like I caught her off guard, and she didn't even mind. 

I was so busy staring at her that I didn't even notice someone else staring at me. Jeet. He raised his eyebrows at me, and waved me over. 

I almost gave him the finger, but controlled myself because he was sitting beside my sister, ready to put a ring on her finger, which he already had once so I don't even get why there was a need to do it all over again. 

Whatever it is, it made both of them happy. He was the closest thing I had to a friend, and Latika was my sister. So I didn't have any say. 

"Come here, you fucktard" he slowed down at the last word, but Aarohi and Latika heard it, and their heads snapped in my direction. 

My eyes met with Aarohi's and I had a self satisfied smirk on my face, seeing red creeping up her neck, and the way she looked down pulling hair behind her ear. 

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