7. Found realization

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Since when I was a little kid, I had hated conflicts. Like hated them. From small arguments to big screaming matches. A part of my childhood experience might be a reason for that. One must think that growing up in a home where you had frequently experienced parental conflicts, you'd get used to it. But not me. And that was one reason, my heart was beating a thousand miles per hour, as I heard Kabir raise his voice downstairs.

"I've told you before I do not want to want to take up on the business !"

"You can listen to me-"

"We've been talking over the same matter since last two years papa. And you don't even talk to me anymore if it's not about business"

"But I am just trying to make you see things through my perspective for once. You're 28 almost 29 in some months. You're bound to have a wife someday, a family. This business is a form of security. Insurance"

"My job is insurance enough. It covers all kind of insurances. If I can work without any thoughts of having to take up on the business, I might even get a promotion. A promotion with a package that would help me sustain the future of my future kids"

"But what would happen to this business ! I've built it with my blood and sweat. And if something happens to me someday, who would handle it. Because surely not you. It's clear you'll be happy enough seeing it going down the next drain to our house" Uncle Shekhar raised his voice a bit.

My heart started to beat even more fast since I'm not used to this kind of edge in Shekhar Uncle's voice. I was so happy that I was scooped up in my room right now. I had ditched Latika when she asked me to come down and watch a movie, since all of them were.

A part of me wanted to, but another reasonable part of me told me to give them some alone family time.

And so I made an excuse of catching up on some studies, and update my LinkedIn. Although it was not entirely an excuse and I did want to catch up on some studies.

Though after an hour their movie night ended up by Uncle and Kabir getting into an argument.

I was more than glad that I was not down there. I was even glad that dinner was already over. The last thing I wanted for them to remember was that I am in this house. It'll embarrass them to the point of never coming back. One does simply not let non-family intrude upon such personal disagreements. Or witness them for such matter.

I was even thankful that Latika was not in my room for now. I knew she would start cursing out both her father and her brother and would suggest for us to go out through the kitchen door. 

Just when the thought crosses my mind, my phone pings. 

I pick it up and see that it's a text from Latika. 

L4Luv : I wanna get out of the house.

I type back a reply, at the same time putting in my ear buds before I gave in the urge to listen to Kabir and Uncle arguing.

Me : It's 9:30 pm

L4Luv : Who cares

She replies back instantly and I steer away from even asking the reason because I know why she was saying that.

Me : I still got some studying to be done, but if you wanna come and disturb me u r most wlcm.

L4Luv : Jeet is calling. Ttyl

Me : Go to sexual hell *smirking emoji*

Smiling I keep my phone down and immerse myself in my books, with a soothing piano playlist playing from my phone.

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