27. Found nights.

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Hello my loves !

Okay okay okay, first of all I am very very very sorry for the delay. But that's why I tried to make up for it, with this long ass chapter. I hope you all like it. Don't forget to mention in the comments if you do.

Happy Reading !

"You in there ?" comes Latika's voice from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, just a sec" I call out, and open the door to my assigned bedroom, to see both Latika and her dearest brother/my boyfriend standing with her there too.

It's still hard to believe I am actually dating him, but then again it's not. It's not like we've confessed our undying love for each other or something. We are just seeing where this goes, but in a committed manner. Though I have a feeling, with just the way Kabir is looking at me right now, that this is gonna go very very long, and maybe I'd like it that way.

As soon as my eyes meet with Kabir's own, his lips tug upwards a little, and I try myself not to offer him a smile in front of Latika.

"You're coming with us" Latika speaks and barges inside my room.

Kabir stares at her hand, pursing his lips. I look at him, Latika looks at me, and then she looks at Kabir, and then she gives him a disapproving look.

"You said you were okay with that" she said to him, and he raised his eyebrows.

"I am" he nods.

"Well your expression is telling me otherwise"

"My expression is because of you, not Aaru" he smiles sarcastically.

"Wait, what?"

"What ?"

I turn around going to find some other clothes to wear, leaving them to banter when Latika speaks again.

"You call her Aaru ?" she asks Kabir and I stop, turning around to look at them wide-eyed.

Kabir looks at me, and then back at her.

"I think everybody calls her that" he shrugs.

"Yeah, but you don't. Just a month ago, you didn't even say her name, always used 'your best friend' ?? Latika frowns at him and he lets out an exasperated breath.

"Well, a month makes you get used to certain unpleasant things"

Latika rolls her eyes slapping Kabir's arm.

"I am going to get my bag, both of you meet me down at the car in 15 minutes. Aaru you're coming with us, that's it" she walks out of the room, and down the stairs.

I look at Kabir, and he's still looking where Latika went off to, but then he faces me, and tries to walk inside the room, when I shake my head.

"No No No. out." I tell him, trying to close the door, at his face but of course his physical strength is a lot more than me which gives him the advantage, to push the door and step inside the room, and close the door behind him.

"Kabir !"

"Hm ?"

"Get out. I need to change" I start to walk away from him, when he stops me by pulling at my t shirt, and makes me stand in front of him.

Closer to him.

And more closer.

"I'm just asking for a minute. Please"

"I thought I was such an unpleasant thing" I tell him with raised eyebrows, which earns me a smile.

He looks down still smiling and fiddles with my small pearl earring, but then looks again into my eyes before speaking. "Very unpleasant"

Found HeartsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora