9. Found Regret

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Hey loves ! Once again THANKYOU for giving my story a try. I couldn't be more grateful. And keep on commenting and voting to make my day, and to support me. It's my biggest motivation.

"It's born from just one single glance... But it dies, and it dies, and it dies... a million little times" - Taylor Swift, Illicit affairs 


"You creeping up on my parents now ?" he asked and my cheeks turned red with embarrassment because of course he was able to hear there voices too.

"I heard your company affects you so clearly I learned it from you" I said and gestured to him standing on the doorway, unannounced.

I don't even know how he walks so silently that you can't even hear him approaching.

He raised his eyebrows and I knew that I had left him speechless.

I grabbed my laptop and mug of tea as I walked towards my bed when I noticed that he still hadn't moved, but the position of his hands has changed, going into the pockets of his black sweatpants. I thought he just wanted to pick on me creepily staring at his parents, but the way he stood so comfortably looking around the room told me otherwise.

Keeping the mug down on the bedside stool and the laptop on the bed I folded my arms on my chest as I stared at him.

"Go ahead and take your time I have all the time in the world for you" I said sarcastically and his eyes finally found mine his face going from being blank to being annoying in a second.

"Are you always so sarcastic and..."

"And what ? Funny ? Smart ? likeable?" I asked with a smile and he frowned.

"Infuriating I'd say"

"Glad I could get at least some emotion out of you" I said ready to turn around when he didn't say anything and just looked at me like he wants to strangle me.

"What is your problem with me ?" he asked next and I stopped actually surprised this time.

"Funny that I have the question for you"

"You're a problem enough yourself for me" he snapped and I chuckled. At least he said to my face what he was saying behind my back.

"Is that what you came here to say ? Because then you can walk out. I have much more important stuff to do then let you stand here and insult me" I said to not even sparing him another look but he didn't budge from his position.

"What do you even want ?" he asked and I whirled around.

"What do you mean ?" I asked annoyed by this point.

"Can't you see how you're invading on our family's privacy ? You're like the mosquito who won't stop buzzing at your ear at night" he said and I clamped my mouth shut my chest almost feeling too heavy for me to breathe. I breathed hard not saying anything and just glared at him.

"Did I do anything to invade your privacy since this last week ? Because trust me when I say that I've been doing everything to not even look at your face. And let me remind you, you're the one who's standing here, and came here to argue with me !"

He walked forward in the room. "Exactly. Why just since this last week ? What changed ? You expect me to believe that you're not up to something ?" He asked and I looked around not knowing what to answer. Obviously not that I heard him practically confessing how much he hates me to Latika.

I tugged a lose stand of hair behind my ear, and took a deep breath once again, wanting to be over with it. I was so exhausted and I had already tried two times this day to not burst into tears. His insulting comments and the reminder of them were not helping.

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