Chapter 3

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That he was still studying you...creepy...

The door to the containment cell suddenly opened. 049 walked a bit towards it before stopping and looking back at you. 

"Are you going to stay there?"

"I... yes... What's the point?"

"Expected you would want to leave, seems I was wrong."

"I don't deserve to leave..."

"Hmm, well escape isn't guaranteed... But I do have work to do. The company would be nice."

Why did he sound like he was trying to cheer you up?

You sighed and stood up. Brushing a bit of dust off you.

"So you will join me? Wonderful."

You still kept a distance from him. You didn't fully trust him.

You started to walk through the hall.

"Been a while since a breach like this... Oh, I forgot to ask. Apologies, what is your name?"

"Oh, Y/n."

"A lovely name. Much better than what they call you."

"I guess..."



"You touched me but I didn't die... Why?"

His hand went to a fist before he relaxed again, "I don't-!... I don't kill. I cure. You do not have the pestilence, so you do not need a cure.".

"Oh okay... Why... Why did you want me to come with you?"

"Well...It does get a bit lonely here after a while if I'm honest. And I find you...Interesting."


A silence fell upon both of you.

"You don't speak much do you?"

"Not really a reason to."

He stopped walking.

You looked ahead but didn't really see anything. "Are... you okay?"

"I sense the disease... Stay here."

You just stood there awkwardly. You heard screaming in almost all directions. But strangely... to some people at didn't affect you very much.

You thought about 049. He was strange, wasn't he? And why did he want you around? What did he mean when he said you were interesting?

You waited a few minutes before walking. You didn't like standing around, staying still for too long made you anxious. Sorry, 049... I guess.

There were already corpses around the halls.

They weren't the first ones you have seen in your life...

Your hands started to shake...

That smell of blood...


You shook those thoughts out of your mind.

It didn't take long for you to realize you had no idea where you were. Wonderful...

And where the heck was 049? Whatever...who cares anyway.

If you wander these halls long enough something will kill you. Hopefully...

You walked more and more. More bodies of the victims of different SCPs came into view.

Just how many had gotten out? And how?

But you finally did find him. You wonder if whoever he killed had tried to run.

He turned and seemed surprised to see you. "Y/N? I told you to stay where you were."

"It uh... wasn't safe there." Not like you care though...

"Yes, I suppose leaving you there wasn't smart... I won't do it again in the future. I hope you didn't run into anything dangerous on your way."

"Surprisingly no, unless I'm blind..." hehe, that was kind of funny...

"Well, I suppose we should be on our way."


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