Chapter 8

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Holding Josie was... weird to say the least. But you never dropped her and she looked comfortable so you ignored it.

After a little while, she begged to be put down, but she didn't leave. She simply walked beside you.

049 had walked a bit ahead so you looked down at Josie.

"Is there anything bad over here?"

She stared at you for a second before looking like she nodded.

"Oh great, I am crazy... I'm talking to a cat- can you understand me?"

She nodded and meowed in response.

"I... didn't know cats could understand us that well."

"So, what's down here?"


"Oh wait... you can understand me, not talk. Let's just hope we don't run into whatever it is..."

You continued walking mostly in silence. 049 turned to look back at you for a second.

"Josie still here? Interesting, she's usually stubborn."

The cat just stared at him.

"I think you offended her."

"Sorry, but I'm not wrong."

More quiet walking. 

After a little while, you heard Josie start to meow, it quickly got louder as it seemed she was trying to get your attention.

You stopped walking and looked down. A black puddle started to form under you. You panicked before running as fast as you could, even passing 049, without saying a word.

He looked back, seeing what you did. Josie chased after you and he followed. 

You might not make it out of this alive.

You stopped running as a hand come out of the floor under you, grabbing your leg.

049 grabbed your wrist to help as you kicked to free yourself.

049's grip loosened as you felt yourself get pulled further in as your vision blurred. But the only thought you had was him giving up on you, even though it wasn't true.

049 wasn't going to lose you like that. You blacked out.

But when you woke up you were surprised. You felt like someone was carrying you. You looked up to see 049.

(A/N: haha! You're fine. I see you, acting like you know what was going to happen, get trolled.)

"What... happened?"

He stopped running and looked down at you.

"Y/N... I'm glad you're okay..."

It sounded like he had been running for a while. Enough to tire even him out.

He put you down. "You almost got dragged in..."

"To what?"

"From what I've heard, some kind of pocket dimension."

"But... you let"

"Not on purpose, I never would. Josie helped out but she's a little mad about it."

You looked at the bag he had on his side it was open, Josie's head stuck out of it.

"I can't believe she fits in that. Sorry for not listening Josie."

She hissed a bit at you before returning to probably sleeping in the bag.

"Thank you...For saving me."

"No need to thank me. It would have been wrong to leave you like that. But you're welcome."

"Do we still have to worry about that thing?"

"Well, we are quite a distance from it I believe, but it moves quickly. Let's hope someone else catches that thing's attention."


"Fortunately, I do still know where we are. An elevator should be near."


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