Chapter 5

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You continued on your somewhat journey. Your pace started to slow down.

"Y/N? Are you alright?"

"I... I'm fine..."

"You don't sound like you are. Do you need to stop for a moment?"


Your stomach made a noise.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Forgot you would need to eat..."

"I can go hungry."

"Nonsense, I'm sure we'll come across something."


You didn't like the way your skin felt. You could feel the blood. While walking you heard what sounded like a running faucet. You looked around and found a bathroom. Maybe you could try to rinse off the blood.

You stood near the sink. Looking in the mirror a swarm of emotions came.

You looked terrible. 

You felt terrible.

You are terrible.

Whatever blood was on your hands smudged the mirror so you could no longer see yourself. As you used water to try to clean your face. Water and blood slowly fell into your mouth. You froze.

Mixed reactions came as you threw up.

Oh... god.... no...

Your breathing got heavy.

"Y/N? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine!" You yelled as you rushed to wash the blood off of you.

049 stood outside waiting for you. 

"Are you sure you're fine?"


"I am only asking because well... I thought I heard you throw up."

"Well, you didn't. Can we just leave?"

A little shocked by your reaction, he checked the surroundings before deciding which way to walk. "Of course."

He knew you lied but choose to leave you alone.

You shook a bit, unable to forget what happened in the bathroom.

Now... You were really hungry.

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter...)

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