Chapter 13

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(Small crossover with a future story, you'll know what story when you read it)

(Also, I tried to write this as fast as I could and as best as I could. I have limited time cause of school but I really wanted to update one of my stories.)

You remembered the ring from earlier. Something was telling you this is when you would need it.

You turned around only to see another D class, but they were wearing a mask.

What the heck????

But it spoke..... This thing...definitely wasn't just some D class...

"A D class that hasn't been, oh what did you call it, cured? Doc, I'm quite intrigued why."

"It doesn't concern you, 035. Why are you here?"

So it's an SCP, which makes sense, kind of.

"Oh, you know we are all just trying to leave. Though I am looking for someone, thankfully not the guard you killed back there."

You leaned over to 049, clearly, they knew each other, "Who exactly is that?".

"Yes, we haven't had a formal introduction. They call me 035 down here, and you dear?"


"I can see why the doctor here decided to keep you around."

"E- Excuse me?"

"Oh, nothing. I'm sure he will say it later on. That ring... I see you have it. Shame. But! Lucky for you, I have no need for your body."

"Umm... Thanks?"

"035, I will ask again. What do you want?"

"Oh, you are always so stubborn and rude! But just for you, Doc,  I'll be quick. If you see someone, a guard here, female, leave her be. I doubt she would bother you considering she has no motivation to lock anything back up. We got separated and it is getting a bit difficult to find them."

"Understood. We will be on our way." You could tell 049 was annoyed.

"Wonderful. Oh, and good luck to you two. You're going to need it."

049 dragged your wrist almost dragging you.

You could hear him mumbling. Not really hearing everything."Drama queen...he just had to- at least he's gone..."

You stayed quiet. Why was it every time you ran into one of these SCPs they always hinted at... something... Did 049 feel some kind of way toward you? 

No... you're just thinking about this too much.

You had to scan the clearance card from earlier before walking down a hallway to an elevator. There were a few dead guards... Guess you're not the only ones who are escaping successfully.

Well, almost successfully. You're not quite there yet.

You had to go through a hallway, then another Elevator, then another hallway. 

But it was only going to get worse.

A group of people stopped you, looking better armed than previous ones you had come across. They almost instantly shot at you.

Luckily it was only 3 people. Good.

049 was already trying to... "cure".... one of them.

But you knew he wasn't going to win against all of them. Josie seemed to back up, not wanting to interfere in the fight.

Luckily, no bullets hit you.

You ran forward and tackled one to the ground. Another one of them tried to get you off but a gunshot. A single gunshot made everyone freeze. The person trying to pull you off fear to the floor.

You looked at where you thought the bullet had come from. Down the hall. What looked like a guard had their weapon raised.

They stared for a moment before lowering the weapon and running back to wherever they came from.

The person you had tackled started fighting to get you off again but you grabbed the dead guy's gun and shot them. Blood spattered all over your face.

You fell back and laid on your back for a second. Trying to catch your breath.

049 rushed over.

"Are you injured?"

"Not really... A little sore, but I'm fine."


You looked at the corpses in front of you. You used to hate killing people, hated the thought that you caused their death. 

You still kind of hate it but... It's just so easy to do it...

Calm down Y/N... Stop... You can't let that happen again.

049 reached out his hand to you.

"Shall we get going?"

"Yeah. Come on Josie."

Luckily you hadn't scared her off completely. I guess she really does like you.

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