Chapter 16

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(A/N: Finally able to post another chapter. Enjoy, my friends, at least I hope you do...)

You realized you had a small blush. Why was your mind like this?

The wind blew again, and you started to shake more.

"Y/N, why don't we start a fire? Rest until morning comes."

You sighed, "Okay...Fine.".

Just so you didn't hurt yourself, 049 started the fire.

You looked over to see some bushes. Bushes with edible berries. You smiled. You were starving.

You hurried over.

"Y/N? What are you doing?"

"Berries. I'm really hungry..."

"How do you know they are edible?"

"Well, everything is edible, there are just certain things you probably shouldn't eat even if you can."

"Y/N, that's not funny."

"Relax. As a kid, I used to eat stuff like this a lot."

"Alright. Well, hurry back over to the fire."

You probably would've grabbed the whole bush if you could.

You sat at the fire next to 049.

"You don't think they're going to find us, do you?" You asked.

"The fire is small, but they could see it or the smoke in the morning. I suggest we leave, when possible, but we should be fine for now."

"Okay. You want some berries?"

"I don't need to eat, keep them for yourself."

"Fine. I was just trying to be nice."

You were already tired again. Your head leaning on 049's shoulder, you didn't even notice at first. You felt as if you could fall asleep any second. Which almost happened. Josie jumped on you, almost making you flinch a little. 

You looked up at 049, he was staring at the sky.


Great, he knew you were staring.

You sat up. "Sorry, I'm just tired."

"Oh, it's not that. It seems to just be a habit of yours."

You laughed a bit. "Yeah, I guess it is now."



"There is something I must confess to you."

You got a little worried...

"Just say it..."

"After we met I started feeling a certain way. I couldn't understand it as I haven't felt it before. But you... you were always the first thing on my mind. There were of course times when I knew it was important to cure someone but... my mind always went back to you."

You felt your face turn red. You smiled.

"You trying to tell me that you love me?"

He finally looked down at you, "Yes, I suppose that is what I'm trying to say.".

You sat up. "But... You don't know anything about my past... I... I was a terrible person!"

"You are not to me. That's all that matters."

All you could do was hug him. He was the first person who ever said that to you.

"Thank you..." 

"Of course, Mon amour."

You looked straight at him and laughed. How out of character can he get?  "Woah lovebird. You're a little cute I'll give you that. Careful with what you call me or I'll start calling you names."

"Wish to take things slowly?"


"That's perfectly fine."


You felt Josie snuggle up to you more.

You smiled. "Don't worry Josie, we haven't forgotten you."

You eventually took a bit of a cat nap with Josie. Yes, haha, cat nap. What else was there to do for now?

You thought you heard walking at one point but it didn't bother you. Though if it was 049... what was he doing?

Whatever it was didn't bother you enough to get up.

Let's just hope you don't get dragged back to the foundation in your sleep.

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