Chapter 20

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You look up at the door. Your body shaking.

The door wasn't locked... at least he knocked...

It wasn't long before the door opened.


You were just shaking and crying. You couldn't respond to anything he said.

"Y/N. Look at me. Tell me what's wrong. Was it something I did?"

You were able to nod. Josie tried to comfort you. Slowly, it got better. You were able to talk again, but your shaking didn't stop.

049 waited patiently for you. 

"Y/N? Can you tell me what's wrong?"

"You...fed me human..."

"I presume there is something wrong with that?"

You froze. A small amount of anger in you. But you realized, he didn't understand... Of course, he wouldn't. 

You took a deep breath.

"You might not understand but... Generally eating your own kind is frowned upon, if not absolutely insane."

"Forgive me for saying this but your reaction seemed... Extreme..."

"It just... brought back bad memories..."

"Bad memories?"

"It's probably better if I just tell you..."

"Y/N, you don't have to. I did something without consulting you first, It was wrong, I understand that now."

"No! I do have to tell you... Because...It's important and you need to know..."

It went silent for a moment. 

"When I was growing up... I... was raised eating people. It took me a while to realize it was wrong... When I got older, I was able to escape them and change but... Then people found out and I was put in prison for it... And then I ended up at the foundation..."

You held back tears. 

"And you... you killed the people who lived here didn't you?"

He wasn't much different from your parents, was he?

"I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry. I did not understand then, but I do now. Thank you for explaining. I do hope you can forgive me."

You hugged him. "It's so hard to be mad at you."

"Would you like something else to eat?"

"N...No. Not right now..."

"Okay. I'm going to go clean up, you come back out when you're ready okay?"

You smiled. "Okay."

He apologized...A true apology...He's nothing like your family was...

This...This is something that you can get passed...

You still felt bad about those people that he killed but...There's nothing you can do about it now. 

You can't really be mad at him...


...It's fine...

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