Chapter 11

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You sat for a few minutes before the building went silent again. It wasn't really a good sign but it probably meant no one was near.

You stood up and sighed. "I guess we should get going."

"Your lead or mine?"

"I prefer you leading..."


With Josie close behind, you went on your way. Eventually, you came across the bodies of some of the staff. You looked down and saw a clearance card. Level 4.

"That's useful. We're probably going to need it to get out of here anyway."

You grabbed it and put it in your pocket. 049 stopped for a moment.

"Hmm, it hadn't crossed my mind yet that we would. I guess we are lucky."

"Maybe we are supposed to escape this place."

You thought for a moment. Maybe the universe actually decided to give you another chance at life. But... you still felt you didn't deserve it.

You passed a door that had already been opened. You cautiously looked in quickly only to see someone with a snapped neck. 

Oh great. Now what do you have to deal with?

You always seemed to walk a short distance behind 049. You didn't know why. You just never got too close to him. 

You guessed he noticed the body too because he started walking slower. Starting walking closer to you... Probably just for safety. But then, what found its way up here?

You thought about what you saw. Someone with a snapped neck...

Of course, there are probably so many things that could have done it, but your mind went to one thing.


Obviously, you had never had to do a test with 173 but you were assigned to clean its containment from time to time.

Sometimes almost dying.

You heard scraping on the floor as you quickly turned around. Almost passing out from fright.

Its hands... so close to your neck...

You yelled and backed up, 049 now in front of you.

"Dude! Be careful!" You yelled.

"I will be fine. You worry about yourself, not me."

"Come on, I was so close." The statue said with a small laugh.

"Close enough. But you're not going to touch them."

"Why? Cause you like them?"

It was silent for a moment.

"Isn't that cute? Well, is it true?"

You stayed silent.

"Come on birdy, give an answer or I'll just kill them."

"Do not call me that. And do not assume things Y/N and I working together to get out. So it is preferable that they stay alive."

"Shame. Hope that hurt your feeling... What was it... Y/N?"

"Y/N is correct... and no... it- it didn't..."

"There are plenty others for you to kill, so you can just leave us be."


049 looked back at you and nodded as you hesitantly closed your eyes.

The words "Got got lucky" were whispered as it passed.

You stood up and looked at 049, " How did you talk our way out of that?"

"During these kinds of breaches, we run into each other quite often. Always seems to come up with interesting names for me."

"I mean, you do kinda look like a bird."

"How rude Y/N," He said, you could tell it was in a joking tone.

You laughed, "Birdy, want a cracker?".

"You think you're funny, don't you?" 

You thought for a moment, "Never really considered myself funny. I guess I kinda am."

"Well, let's go before that statue decides to come back."

"Yeah. Josie! Where did you go?"

You heard a small before looking down, she was still at your feet.

"Oh, hi. Worried you had run off somewhere. Come on."

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