Chapter 1

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Two weeks until summer break, I couldn't wait. I can hang out with my friends in the mall, movies, anywhere you can think of! We might even go to cheer camp together! I only do it because they do it, it's not that fun. The entire grade either admired or hated us. For the sandlot boys, who I find annoying, admired us. They always glance over and wink, or whatever they think we find attractive. They were mostly obsessed with one of my best friends, Lisa Henderson. My brother used to like her, and I'm sure the rest of them did too.

I was in class, not paying attention. I was thinking about how this summer would be like. Maybe we can go to a carnival, or even swim at our local pool! I'm thirteen now, so my parents would probably let me do those things.

As I thought about this, I heard whispers behind me, a voice murmuring my name.

"Y/n," they said. "Y/n!!!!"

I turned around. I forgot to mention this dude, Benny Rodriguez. He was the one who kind of "leaded" the sandlot boys, more like a role model.

"What do you want," I whispered.

He looked at my directly in the eyes and asked, "Do you want to play some ball at the sandlot? We need an extra man, I mean player."

"No, I mean I don't know," I said. "I think I'm hanging out with Lisa and Cynthia later."

His face slightly turned into a frown. "Alright, have fun."

I turned back around to face the board. I kind of felt bad? I don't know, I shouldn't feel bad for a sandlot boy.

The bell finally rang, time for lunch. I went over to the cafeteria and met up with Lisa, Cynthia, Nicole, and the other people in our friend group.

"Hey guys," I greeted.

"Y/n, we saw you talking to Benny in class," Cynthia said. "We thought you hated him!"

I rolled my eyes at them. "I hate him, I really do! He kept begging me to go play ball with him and the sandlot boys."

They probably thought my explanation of the "conversation" was shit, I can tell by the looks on their faces.

"You might've left out information," Lisa sighs. "Benny boy was blushing and smiling at you!"

"I don't care, it's a sandlot boy!" I yelled. Lisa can be an annoying bitch sometimes, but I had to deal with it ever since fifth grade.

"But... this 'it' can be your soulmate," she leered as she shoved my shoulder.

"Oh my god, can we just get our food and sit down?!?" I shouted. The entire room suddenly became quiet as mice. Everyone in there turned around to our direction. All eyes were on us.

"Oh fuck," I mumbled to myself. I was a hundred percent sure that they heard me yell, it wouldn't have been a coincidence. I glanced over and saw the sandlot boys looking at me. I rushed over to the line to get my food, I felt like everyone was watching me.

Lisa stepped right behind me and murmured into my ear. "He's definitely looking at you right now."

This woman is getting on my nerves, I didn't even like him in any way. 

"Just shut up Lisa, just hook up with my brother," I sighed.

"I'm literally thirteen and he's eleven!" she said.

I grinned. "That's almost like the whole point. You guys are both as annoying as each other."

The lunch lady placed the food on my tray and I walked away to an empty table. Lisa seemed mad at me because she sat with other people. Damn, I thought she knew it was a joke, a good one too. The only true part was the annoying part, she needed to know that. Today was the one day I sat alone in that cafeteria. I was mad popular, like everyone would want to talk to me or Lisa, unless they only talked to me for her. They probably did, maybe. Cynthia and my other so called "friends" sat with Lisa. I think Lisa is just sensitive, what I said didn't even mean anything.

I finished my food within five minutes, what a surprise. I just stayed at the table, doing absolutely nothing, just casually sitting and waiting for the bell to ring.

For the rest of the school day, no one talked to me. Oh my god, was she that pressed about what I said?

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