Chapter 4

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After school, I walked out to the front of the building. Lisa, Cynthia, and Nicole were waiting for me.

"Finally, you're here!" Lisa yelled.

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"We're going to head to the sandlot and watch them play," Lisa says, "and make fun of them because they suck."

"You don't know if they suck or not," I said, raising my eyebrow.

"Oh come on Y/n, we all hate them and we should get a good laugh today," Cynthia begged.

I didn't feel right about this, but getting my friends back was just amazing. I wasn't lonely anymore, no more loneliness! Still didn't feel like the right thing to do though.

"Fine," I sigh, "just to get a good laugh."

They all cheered and we started walking down to the sandlot.

"They probably can't even swing the bat," Nicole giggled.

"Stop, don't jinx it," Lisa said, rolling her eyes.

"They probably can, they always play after school," I said.

Lisa looked at me. "Why are you always defending those boys? You like them or something?" she asked.

"No, I would never!" I yelled shaking my head. "Those boys are annoying as fuck."

"Okay, good. I thought you were one of them because your brother is," she said. "And the fact you were sitting with Benny in lunch."

"He sat with me because I was alone," I explained.

"Whatever you say," she said.

We finally arrived to the sandlot and saw the boys playing. Benny was up at the bat waiting for Kenny to pitch.

For some reason, he dropped the bat and looked over to me.

"Hey Y/n!" he yelled, waving at me.

"Hi!" I yelled back.

He picked up his bat. "Ok DeNunez, I'm ready."

Kenny throws the ball and Benny hits it over the fence. They all turned around to see where it went.

"You hit a homer already?" he asked.

"On the first pitch?" Squints yelled.

"Dang it, now we can't play no more!" Alan yelled.

Lisa came towards Cynthia's ear and whispered, "What babies."

She laughed and nodded her head in agreement. I rolled my eyes and walked over to Benny.

"Why can't you guys just get a new ball?" I asked.

"Sis, you're here?" Alan asked.

I sighed, "Yeah I know, I'm with Lisa, Cynthia, and Nicole."

"Oh yeah, we don't have enough money for a new ball," Benny explained.

"How much does it cost?" I asked.

"It costs 99 cents," Timmy said.

"99 cents," Tommy repeated.

I slid a one dollar bill out of my pocket and handed it to my brother.

"Here, you guys can just use this to get a new ball at Vincent's," I said.

"Thanks sis," he chuckled.

"Come on, let's go!" Squints yelled. They all ran to the drug store to get a new ball, but Benny stayed behind.

"Thanks," he thanked.

"No problem, I didn't need that anyway," I said. "Are you going to follow them or what?"

"Oh, that's right," he realized and ran behind them.

Lisa and the other girls walked over to me.

"What the fuck was that for?" she asked.

"I was just being generous, unlike you," I said.

"It was funny seeing them whine like babies before you gave them that dollar bill," she objected.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

"Whatever, let's just go home now," she sighed.

"Yeah," they all replied.

"I think I'm gonna stay here," I said.

"Why?" Cynthia asked.

"Because I should look after my brother, anyways see you tomorrow," I said.

They waved and walked away. "Bye."

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