Chapter 20

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For the next few days, I didn't play baseball with the boys at the sandlot.

One day, I was sitting on the couch, watching The Parent Trap for the 5th time this summer. Then, Alan came running in the house screaming, "Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU?"

I turned around to face him. "What?" I asked.


I smiled and nodded my head. "Good for him," I say, "tell him I said good job."

He rolled his eyes. "AND THE BALL WAS SIGNED BY BABE RUTH," he added.

I sigh, "Where did he get that from?"

"He said it was in his dad's room," he explained. "We need to get it back!"

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked.

He giggles with a smirk on his face, "Your future husband told me to."

I turned off the TV, getting up to walk over to Alan.

"I'll help anyway," I mumbled.

He smiled. "Good, now let's head over there!"

We ran out the door, slamming it closed. We ran as fast as we could, like that spider dude with the webs, Spiderman I think? That ball was probably important to Scotty's dad, mostly because it was signed by one of the greatest baseball players in history.

Once we got to the sandlot, everyone was standing. They were staring at the huge fence, where the ball went over.

"No way it went over that," I said in disbelief.

Alan shoved my shoulder. "It did, we saw it with out own eyes!" he yelled.

"How fun," I mumbled.

Smalls rolled his eyes. "After I said it was signed by some baby ruth guy, you guys started get all... I don't know what word to say!"

Benny sighs, "Smalls, Babe Ruth was the greatest baseball player who ever lived. That ball is worth, worth more than your whole life man."

He fell down to his knees, feeling nauseous.  "I don't feel so good," he said.

We all started surrounding him and started to fan him with our caps, I didn't have one so I just did it with my hand.

Smalls coughed, "We need to get that ball back."

Benny clapped. "Alright, when does your old man get back home from work?" he asked.

He stood back up and thought for a moment. "Uh... He's out of town! He can come back at any time," he said.

He pointed at him, "Find out when. And guys, we gotta buy us a ball."

So, they all ran to Vincent's Drug Store to get a baseball. Once they bought it, they unboxed it from the packaging. Bertram handed a pen to Benny. He signed Babe's signature on it.

"I don't know Benny man," he said.

"Yeah yeah, it looks like trash," Alan insulted.

Benny shrugged his shoulders. "It doesn't matter what it looks like, his mom's not gonna know the difference!" he yelled. "This is just to buy us some time, you dorks!"

He told Smalls to place the ball where he got the signed one from, as known as his dad's room. At the Timmon's treehouse, Smalls told us he snuck in there and his mom caught him. She was all like "your father doesn't like when you touch his things" and was also like "did he ever tell you about Babe Ruth?" Then, she told him about him.

"I didn't know it was that special!" he explained to us.

"Whatever, anyone gotta plan?" Benny asked.

"Let's just ask Mr. Myrtle!" he yelled.

Squints gasps, "Are you out of your mind? That is not an option! Forget about it."

He shook his head. "Ok.."

"Let's just look out the window," he sighed.

We all approached the window, poking our heads out of it.

Once we heard a bark from the beast, we backed away.

"He's down there!" Timmy said.

Benny sighs, "Any more ideas?"

Later that day, they tried to retrieve it back by using a bat to push it. The beast slammed his hand over it. Then, they tried to capture it with some pot thing, didn't work either. On their third attempt, Scotty decided to use his robotic skills and build a machine looking thing that was like a magnet. The beast bit it with its sharp teeth. This caused the treehouse to blow up.

We all jumped down from the treehouse, screaming and yelling.

After it blew up, Timmy came out with sand all over his body. He shook his head like a dog to get some out. He turned his head back to the treehouse and sighed, "We've been going about this all wrong. I blame myself." He turned back to us and sighed again, "Total surprise."

Then, they came up with another idea: Pulling my brother down with a pulley.

They secured him onto a rope.

"Take me up," he commanded.

They started gradually pulling him up there.

I was pulling a rope along with Kenny, Bertram, and Benny. "If you boys make my brother die, I'll kill you," I joked.

"Don't worry about it," Bertram said.

Benny sighs, "If he does die, I'll pay for the funeral."

We lowered him down to the ground of the yard.

He grabs the ball and says, "Okay, got it. Now pull me up."

Squints turned over to us. "Pull him up," he whispered.

A few seconds later, Squints started screaming. The beast was right in front of Yeah-Yeah's face.

We quickly pulled him back towards us. He was screaming, almost like those horror movies.

Scotty decided to use his knowledge on science and robotics again. He assembled a robot looking car down a ramp. He used a remote control, moving it slowly.

"Drop the catapult," Squints whispered.

He nodded his head. "Okay," he says, pulling a lever to drop it.

"What is this plan?" I asked.

Benny pulled out a mitt from his pocket. "Try to catch the baseball, obviously," he says, handing me it.

I sighed, "Alright."

Once the catapult moved forward enough, Scotty launched it to come toward us (so we can catch it).

"I GOT IT, I GOT IT, I GOT IT!" Benny screams, getting ready to catch it as it was coming toward his direction.

Suddenly, the beast jumped and made it land into his mouth. He started to attack by biting on the machine.

"AHHHHH!" Smalls yelled. We all started screaming along with him.

Out of nowhere, the machine flew over the fence, landing onto the ground. It was destroyed.

There was absolutely no way they were ever going to get that ball back.

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