Chapter 8

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It was 7:30 in the morning, I heard voices in my room telling me to wake up.

"Wake up," it whispers, "wake up!!!"

I finally opened my eyes to see who it was, it was Alan.

"What are you doing here? It's 7:30 in the fucking morning!" I yelled.

"We need to eat and then go to the sandlot to play some baseball," he said pushing my back.

"How about you stop pushing me and I'll get up," I said. He finally hopped off my bed and left my room. I yawned, got up, and dressed in a random striped top with jeans. I rushed downstairs to see what was for breakfast.

I saw my mom pouring milk into Alan's cereal.

"Just cereal today, Y/n!" she says in a proud voice. I walked over to the counter and sat down.

"You seem happy today," I chuckled. She smiled at me.

"I'm going on another date tonight!" she said.

"Oh, good for you," I sighed.

"What's wrong?" she asked concerningly.

"Nothing," I said.

"She's just mad Benny hasn't asked her out yet!" Alan interrupted.

"No, I'm not, it's just that Mom has been hanging out with this dude so much, that she hasn't even introduced us to him!" I yelled.

They both gasped.

"One day you guys will," Mom chuckled.

"Yeah yeah let's finish our food so we can go to the sandlot!" Alan yelled and continued munching on the cereal.

As soon as we finished eating, we heard knocking on our door.

"It's Benny! Bye, Mom!" Alan yelled and quickly sprinted to the door pulling my arm. He opened the door and closed it as we got outside.

"Let's head to Vincent's to get a new ball!" Benny cheered. We ran over there so fast, like the Flash. We slowed down a little bit to catch our breaths, it was kinda early still.

We finally got there, all the other boys were waiting for us.

"Finally!" Ham sighed.

"Sorry man, I wanted to pick these two up!" Benny yelled.

"Of course, Y/n!" Squints mumbled.

"Shut up, Squints," he said rolling his eyes.

"Why me though?" I asked.

"Because he loves you!" Alan teased making kissing faces.

I looked at him and hit him in the head.

"This is why Lisa didn't like you back," I mumbled.

Benny started laughing and elbowed my shoulder, "Good one, Y/n!"

"Shut up, love birds!" Alan yelled.

"Whatever, let's head to the sandlot, no wasting time here!" he said. We ran to the sandlot altogether. Benny and I were running right next to each other for some reason. Our hands touched and then he grabbed it. We were holding hands, HOLDING HANDS! That meant nothing, I guess.

We finally got there and Yeah-Yeah glanced at us and looked at our hands.

"They're holding hands!" he pointed. Everyone looked at us and gasped. We quickly let go of each other.

"I hope you all fall in a sewer," I snapped.

Benny got the bat and the ball Ham bought. He tossed the ball to Kenny for him to pitch. We started playing baseball.

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