Chapter 5

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When they came back, they continued on with their game.

"Y/n, wanna join?" Benny asked.

"Yeah, of course!" I said.

"You can stand right over there," he pointed.

"Oh wait, I don't have a glove," I sighed.

He pulled out a glove from his pocket. "Always got an extra one."

He tosses the glove to me. "Oh, thanks," I said and ran over to where was pointing at.

I wasn't sure of what I was doing, it was like kickball in gym class, but with a baseball and bat. 

Kenny pitches the ball and Benny swings the bat and hits it. The ball was coming towards me, oh fuck. I raised my arm up, trying to the catch the ball, then it slipped off of the glove.

"Stupid ball," I mumbled picking it up.I threw the ball to Kenny.

"Have you played before?" he asked.

"No, I actually do cheer," I sighed. "It's clearly not fun."

He looked over to where Benny was standing. "You invited a cheerleader?" he asked.

"We needed nine players, making a whole team," he explains, "you know?"

"Ah, I see..." he sighed. 

"Can we just continue on with the game!" Benny yelled. "No wasting our damn time!"

They continued on with the game. Alright, why does it seem like Benny likes me? Random thought, but I realized how much he talks to me now. I wasn't sure if I did too, I can't loose my friends.

(timeskip to dinner)

"Ok guys, let's head back to our homes and eat," Benny said. We all nodded our heads and ran back to our houses.

I sprinted up to Benny and handed the glove I borrowed. "Here's your glove, by the way."

He shook his head, "Nah, you can keep it. I have plenty."

I laughed. "Not surprised, see you tomorrow!" 

He waved back at me and ran to his house. I went up to my doorstep and knocked on the door. Alan was already in there, he's a fast runner. Mom opens the door with a surprised look on her face. Alan was on the counter eating dinner.

"I thought you were with Lisa!" she yelled.

"I was, but I changed my mind," I explained. She looked at my hand.

"Who's glove is that?" she asked.

"It's Benny's," I sighed.

Alan turned around from the stool. "Awwww!" he squealed.

"SHUT UP YEAH-YEAH, I didn't have one and they asked me to play AND I didn't want to be rude," I hesitated. I took a deep breath.

"What happened with Lisa and Cynthia?" she asked.

"They're bitches. They made fun of them and I felt really bad," I said shaking my head. "They got mad at me for handing a dollar to them to get a new ball."

Mom turned around towards Alan. He was winking because he thought I liked Benny, I didn't.

"Why the hell is your brother winking at ya?" Mom asked me.

I laughed, "I don't know! Can I just come in and eat now?"

Mom nodded her head and let me inside. She pointed to the counter. "You're having leftover pasta tonight, I'm too lazy to cook."

"Okay," I said, walking over next to Alan. I hopped onto the stool and ate the pasta on the plate.

"I saw you during lunch," he said with a weird smirk on his face. I lifted my arm up and elbowed his shoulder.

"Jeez," he scoffed.

"At least he was thoughtful enough to sit there," I chuckled.

"YOU'RE DEFENDING HIM NOW!" he gasped, placing his hands on his face and made his mouth shape like an 'o'.

"Yeah I know right, so surprising," I said while sarcastically waving my arms in the air.

"I thought you hated him!" he yelled.

"He's not that bad," I mumbled, "I never really talked to him before."

"Whatever you say sis," he sighed.

We finished our food and went straight upstairs to our rooms. I was sitting on my bed doodling in my notebook because I was bored as hell. Then, I heard knocking outside my window. 

"I swear, if it's Lisa," I mumbled to myself. I moved over and opened the window. It wasn't Lisa, it was Benny.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in a confusing voice.

"I just wanted to ask you something," he whispered.

"What?" I whispered back.

He moved his head closer inside.

"Did we have homework?" he whispered.


"That wasn't what I was going to say, that was a joke. But I do have something to ask," he said trying to calm me down.

I rolled my eyes. "What is it?"

"Do you wanna hang out sometime?" he asked.

"No, my brother would basically find out and tease me," I explained.

He sighed and said, "Okay whatever, one day we will."

"Whatever weirdo," I mumbled. He waved and walked away from the window. I closed it and heard a gasp coming from behind me. It was Yeah-Yeah.

His face looked like a surprised one, like a very surprised one. His mouth was again shaped as an 'o' and his body just stood there like a statue.

"How the fuck did you get here?" I asked in a quiet tone. He was still standing there. "Hello???" I waved my arms in front of his face.

"Was that- that- was that-" he stuttered.

"Boy, finish your goddamn sentence," I said.

"Did Benny just come by your window?" he pointed. "And asked you out but you said no because of ME?"

"First off, he didn't ask me out he just wants to hang," I explain. "Second, you would think we're dating."

"I hope you guys don't because he's my buddy," he said.

"Boy what," I chuckled.


"Now shut up and go back to your room," I objected. He rolled his eyes.

"Of course, Y/n Rodriguez!" he mumbled.

"Shut your-" I said. He shut the door before I could even complete that sentence. I laid back down on my bed trying to put myself to sleep. Did Benny actually like me? I hope not, Lisa would be mad at me if we dated. Well, she's already mad at me. But also, I barely know Benny, he's just a next-door neighbor.

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