Chapter 9

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That night, Alan and I left to go to the Timmon's. I wore random pink pajamas, very weird and random. I brought my sleeping bag and another bag with other things. We walked a few houses to get over there. I felt someone sneak up behind me as we were walking.

"Hey," Benny says, tapping my shoulder.

"Hey, I guess?" I said in a confusing tone.

"Nice pajamas," he chuckled, looking at my outfit.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Only thing I found in my closet," I laughed.

"Ewww... stop talking in flirty tones," Alan said disgustedly. We both started laughing.

"We're just friends, Yeah-Yeah," he said. I nodded my head in agreement.

"You two are flirting all the damn time!" he yelled.

He shrugged his shoulders. "So what?" I tried so hard not to blush, but it was impossible. We did flirt sometimes, but like in a "friend" way. At that time, we were best friends within two weeks of talking to each other.

After that random and awkward moment, we arrived at the treehouse.

"Ladies first," Benny said.

"Fuck it," Alan sighed and started climbing up.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes and climbed after Alan got up there.

Once we all climbed up, Ham was sitting down making s'mores. I placed my sleeping bag right on the corner, for privacy, you know?

"Do you guys want some s'mores?" he asked, holding up a stick with a marshmallow on it.

"Mhm sure, one for me," I chuckled. He started gathering the graham crackers and chocolate. He put them all together and gave them to me.

"He's your s'more!" he cheered.

I giggled. "Thanks." I sat down where I placed my stuff. Benny approached and placed his stuff next to me.

"That looks delicious, can I have a bite?" he asked.

I shook my head. "Nah, ask Ham to make you one."

He rolled his eyes. "Fine, I will then," he says standing up. "HAM CAN I HAVE ONE TOO?" he asked loudly. Ham nodded his head and continued making s'mores.

After a few minutes, Smalls climbed up the ladder.

"Sorry guys, my mom made me put on my jacket and made me do the dishes," he announced and sat down right in front of Ham. Everyone started laughing at him.

"Hey, you want a s'more?" he asked.

"Some more what?" he questioned.

"No no no no, you want a s'more?" he asked, pointing at the table with all the ingredients.

"I haven't had anything yet, so how could I have some more of nothing?" he said.

He leaned his head towards him. "You're killing me Smalls!" he yelled. "Now these are s'more stuff, now pay attention!" Ham showed him how to make a s'more, very detailedly.

Meanwhile, I was laying down in my sleeping bag just looking at the stars from the window. Benny came over and laid down next to me. "What ya up to?" he asked.

"Oh, I'm just looking at the sky from the window, nothing much," I mumbled. He turned over and looked at the sky.

"The stars?" he asked.

"Well, no dipshit!" I chuckled. "Why would I be looking at a tree?"

"I don't know, honestly," he laughed.

"Okay, quiet you guys..." Squints whispered, waving his hand out. We all continuously talked, ignoring him. "QUIET... Are you trying to wake it up?" he said in a quiet, aggressive voice. We all turned around to him. "It just went to bed!"

"What just went to bed?" Smalls asked. We turned our heads over to Smalls and shushed him.

"Oh yeah!" he yelled. We shushed him again.

Squints shushed and grabbed his light. "Be quiet!" he yelled making the light flash onto his face. "The legend..." he explained. He told us the story of "the beast" behind the fence. 

If I'm being truly honest, I was too lazy to listen. I gazed off back to the window and stared at the sky again, still laying down. I remember when I used to date Philips, only because Cynthia forced me to in 6th grade. He made me develop that personality of not liking the sandlot boys. During that time, Alan and I used to fight all the damn time. I think it was because I dated their literal enemy. Now, we get along pretty well, we never fight anymore. 

6th grade was a tough year for me. Philips and I dated for almost that entire year, then stopped in mid-summer. In 7th grade, I didn't care much about boys. I mostly hated all of them, each and every one of them. But at the end of the school year, I became friends with the boys I literally hated. I have no clue if Lisa and Cynthia are still my friends, oh and Nicole, but I don't know her very well.

I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I glanced over and it was Benny, of course.

"You okay, Y/n?" he whispered.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I'm fine," I mumbled.

Squints finished his story, finally. Bertram turned over to Smalls. "See man, that's why we can't go over there!" he said.

"No one ever has, and no one ever will," Ham said. "One kid died after looking through that window."

"That ain't true," Kenny objected.

"Yeah, it is!" Ham sighed.

"Yeah right! Nah-uh! I'm not believing this!" Smalls shook his head in disbelief. "You guys are just making this up to scare me."

Squints hopped off the bed. "Yeah? Stick your head out that window," he pointed, "and look down."

Smalls shrugged and walked over to the window. We all grabbed something closest to us in case of an attack by the beast. He poked his head out of it and moved his eyes around, observing the yard. He didn't see anything, he backed away so fast.

"AHHHHH!" he screamed. "He's down there," he said pointing back at the window.

"Bet he is," Squints mumbled. "That yard is the property of the beast, forever."

"Anyways, goodnight losers," I said, tucking myself in so I could sleep. I didn't believe any of this anyway, they're boys.

"Goodnight Sis!" Alan yelled across the room.

Benny patted my back. "Sweet dreams."

"Shut the fuck up," I chuckled. "I'll dream of falling in a sewer."

"I better be there to save you," he said with a slight smirk. Alan stood up from his sleeping bag.

"Shut up and go to sleep, love birds!" he yelled.

Benny waved his hands, "Okay, okay, goodnight."

"GOODNIGHT," we all said in unison.

Benny's pov:

When Squints was telling the story of the beast, I was hardly paying attention. I was too busy thinking of Y/n. She's absolutely perfect, she would definitely friend zone me. Honestly, I was still questioning if I liked her or not. I think I do, but yet I think I don't. She's one of my best friends, I shouldn't like her. 

Why the fuck did I say 'sweet dreams'???? I was so stupid, at least she took it as a joke. Alan was teasing us, not surprising. We all went to sleep, sort of. I couldn't sleep, I stayed up and kept thinking of Y/n.

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