Chapter 12

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The next morning, I woke up at around 11 am. I had the weirdest dream last night, it was about Benny. He told me he liked me and I liked him back. Then we kissed, long and good- I mean bad. It took place in school and everyone was watching, including my brother. I tried to stop thinking about that dream, but I couldn't. 

I got up from my bed, brushed my teeth, and tied my hair into a ponytail. I headed downstairs to see what I could eat for breakfast. When I got down, Alan was there eating cookies with Smalls and Benny. Mom was laying down on the couch, watching medical dramas on the TV.

"What are they doing here?" I asked in a tired voice. My heart was pounding, I couldn't see Benny the same way anymore.

"Yeah-Yeah wanted to have friends over," Mom explained. "You can have cookies if you want, Y/n."

I nodded my head and headed over to the counter. I grabbed a clean plate and placed two cookies on it. I sat down on an empty seat that was next to Benny.

"Woke up late?" he asked.

"No dipshit," I sighed. I took a bite of my cookie.

"You okay? You seem tired," he asked.

"Well obviously, I had a long dream last night," I mumbled.

Alan started looking at me. "WHAT WAS IT ABOUT?" he asked loudly.

"Yeah-Yeah, why would I tell you?" I said, turning my head in his direction.

He shook his head. "Your dream was that bad?"

I nodded my head, "Mhm, but it was kinda true though."

"True about what?" Benny asked.

"About like how I felt in the dream," I explained.

"So your dream was realistic?" Smalls asked, joining the conversation.

"Not really," I say, "If it did happen, I would be made fun of for the rest of my life."

I continued eating the cookies. I turned my head around towards Mom. "This tastes amazing, Mom!"

I think she was sleeping because she didn't say anything back.

"Wait what happened in your dream?" Benny asked.

"Basically I liked someone, and I do in real life actually. Apparently, they liked me back and they kissed me in front of the whole school," I explained.

Alan listened, and his jaw dropped. "OH MY GOD!" he yelled

"Was it Philips?" Benny asked.

I shook my head. "He's my ex, I never really liked him. I forced myself to date him because he was a popular shit."

"Can you tell me who you like Y/n?" Alan asked.

"Maybe later, I don't feel like it right now," I said.

The doorbell rang. I walked over and opened it. It was Scotty's mom.

"Hey, Mrs. Smalls!" I greeted. 

She looked down at me and asked, "Hello, where's Scotty?"

He raised his arm in the air. "Right here, Mom!" he yelled. He ran over to the door to her. She started smiling at him.

 "Tell your Mom thanks for letting him come over," she said. "Oh, and Benny, your Mom needs you to help do the laundry."

Benny ran over to the door, along with Alan.

"Okay, thanks Yeah-Yeah for calling us to come over," he said.

"No problem!" Alan replied.

"Bye guys!" they waved and started walking back to their houses. We waved back, and I closed the door.

Alan made eye contact with me. "Now tell me who you like," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Please... I won't tell anyone, I'm a great secret keeper!" he begged, folding his hands together.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Fine!" I yelled.

I took a deep breath, being really nervous to tell him. "You were right, I really like Benny," I mumbled. His jaw immediately dropped due to shock.

"I know right, surprising, isn't it?" I chuckled.

He pointed his finger at me, "YOU AS IN YOU, LIKE BENNY?" he asked.

"What do you think?" I scoffed.

"I WAS RIGHT!" he yelled and started jumping up and down. "YOU SHOULD TELL HIM!"

"NO WAY!" I shouted, pushing him so he can stop jumping. He fell to the ground. "Ouch," he grunted.

"Sorry dude, I just wanted you to stop jumping," I laughed.

"But I'm being serious, you should tell him!" he suggested.

"I might, I'm really not sure," I said.

"Pleaseeee...." he begged again, making a baby face.

"Whatever, I will do it one day," I said.

"What about kissing him?" he asked.

"Stop thinking too much about it, I shouldn't have told you!" I yelled.

"Why do you like him?" he questioned, tilting his head.

I took a deep breath. "Well, he's really nice, funny, and fun to talk to. He cares about me a lot so much that he asks me how I am every day. His personality is a whole green flag. He makes me smile every single damn day, he's kind of cute not gonna lie. His smile really lightens up my day..."

He slapped me in the face. "Okay, we get it! You're in love!" he yelled.

"Shut up," I chuckled.

All of a sudden, Mom woke up.

"You should tell Mom," Alan says, tapping on my shoulder.

"I will," I said. "Alan, you're the first person I told."

"Wait how long have you been liking him?" he asked.

"Like since the second time I played baseball with you guys," I answered.

"OH MY LORD!" he yelled in shock.

Mom turned around. "What's happening?" she asked.

"I told Yeah-Yeah that..." I didn't even get to finish my sentence.

"SHE LIKES BENNY!" he blurted out.

"Wow, I thank you for your service," I mumbled.

Mom started smiling. "You should tell him!" she pointed.

"THAT'S WHAT I SAID!" Alan yelled.

"I'll find the right time," I say, "not right now."

I was planning on telling him soon. It was better to do it sooner than later. The thing was, I didn't want to lose him as a friend. I didn't want anything to be different between us. At least I actually liked him, I wasn't forcing myself to. I'm just glad I got that off my chest.

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