Part 84

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Two days later, Cheng Lu took Wen Mingyi to audition for the film recommended by Kangjie.

The movie is called "a day gone", which is a commercial film. He Ming, the man played by Kangjie, is chatting with his colleagues on July 25 when he suddenly finds that he has lost the memory of July 17 a week ago. He desperately remembers, but he can't remember what happened on that day. Also on this day, a man died in an accident in a community he Ming had to go to and from work.

He Ming found a lot of strange information he wrote to himself in his hand and computer. He looked for this information and was surprised to find that he might be related to the death of the man who died in an accident.

He Ming is fighting fiercely in his heart. After the test of his doubt and conscience, he decides to continue the investigation. Finally, he discovers the truth of the matter in the process of layer by layer.

This script is very good. It starts with suspense and is fascinating. The investigation in the middle is closely linked. It reverses several times. Finally, the truth is revealed, and it reverses again. In the end, it ends cleverly.

After listening to Kang Jie, Wen Mingyi was very interested in the play, so he was very happy to play one of the roles.

The role he auditioned for was Qin Ke, the third man in the play. There were not many scenes, but there were also many. Qin Ke is the brother of the dead. He came to the city to go to university, got out of the car and went to his brother, but found that his brother was dead. Everyone said that his brother died in an accident, but he didn't think so.

He carefully looked up the relics left by his brother, looking for clues, and met he Ming who was also investigating the matter. Qin Ke doubted he Ming, and he Ming doubted himself, but he did not dare to let Qin Ke know that he doubted him, and Qin Ke did not dare to let he Ming know that he doubted him. On the surface, they were smiling, but in their hearts they were on guard against each other.

In this kind of precaution, Qin Ke gradually alleviates his doubts about he Ming through some details. He reorganizes the whole thing and turns his suspicious eyes to the people around him.

This role is undoubtedly more challenging than the previous roles of Yuechi and Wang Cheng played by Wen Mingyi. If he can perform well, his acting career will surely go to a higher level. Therefore, Wen Mingyi is still a little nervous before the audition, but fortunately, he usually likes to watch books and movies on reasoning and solving cases, pondering how this type of play should be performed, and even rehearsing at home in advance, which is not too challenging.

Wen Mingyi has never been a stage fright character. The greater the pressure, the easier he is to perform well. This audition is no exception. He played very steadily, and the director was very satisfied with it. In addition, he was recommended by Kangjie. Although he didn't explain what he said on the spot, he basically decided him.

Wen Mingyi excitedly gets on the nanny car after leaving and sends a wechat to Kang Jie, saying that his audition is over and his performance is good. No accident, he should meet with him in the crew a month later.

Kangjie seemed to be busy and didn't reply him immediately. Wen Mingyi reported the good news to Si junduo.

"Congratulations." Si junduo replied, "do you want any reward?"

Wen Mingyi thought about it and asked him, "is anything OK?"

"Of course."

"Come to my house tonight and sleep with me!"

Si junduo

Si junduo calmly replied to him, "this can't be."

"Why?"" Your mother is still there, we are not children, I run to your house at this time and say I want to sleep in your room, are you afraid that she can't see anything? "

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