Chapter 1

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Chapter One : The Call And The Message

Sinead's POV

"Good morning Ned and Ted!" I greeted. "Good morning Sinead!" they replied happily. "What time is it by the way?" I asked them. Ned look at his watch, then faces me, "It's already 6:50 am." Ned said, looking sleepy. "What's for breakfast?" Ted asked. Then I go to the kitchen and get the plates that I prepared at 6:30 am. Then I served their meal. "Ham and bacon is our breakfast." I said. "Thank" Ned said and Ted replied, "You". "Thank You!" they said together. "You're welcome." I said. Then I finished my breakfast at 7:10 am. Then I proceed to our music room. Then I got my guitar. I strummed. Then I played a song.

(playing Mean by Taylor Swift)

You, with your words like
Knives and swords and weapons
That you have used against me
You have knocked me off my feet again
Got me feelin' like a nothin'

You, with your voice like
Nails on a chalkboard
Calling me out when I'm wounded
You, picking on a weaker man

You can take me down
With just one single blow
But you don't know
What you don't know

Someday I'll be living in a big old city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean

Someday I'll be big enough
So you can't hit me
And all you're ever gonna be is mean

Why you gotta be so mean?

I stopped playing when I feel my cellphone buzzed. I didn't look at the caller i.d. I picked it up immediately.


("Good morning Sinead!")
"Daniel Arthur Cahill, what do you want?"

("I just wanna invite you to the Cahill Reunion. It will be fun and don't tell Amy that we will be having classes with each branch because I want to learn what is a Lucian, Ekaterina, Tomas, and Janus. Will you be here tomorrow?")

"Sure. I will not tell Amy and I will be there tomorrow."

("And please call or text the others about it because I'm already hungry. Please?")

"Ok. Now eat your breakfast before your sister get suspicious. So bye Dan and good morning."

("Thanks and bye!")

Then the line went dead. Then I put my guitar and proceed to my room. Then I on my computer. I chatted them.

(Sinead - Me
H - Hamilton Holt
J - Jonah Wizard
I - Ian Kabra)

Me : Hi guys! Good morning. Dan called me a while ago. He is inviting you to the Cahill Reunion. He is expecting you to cone tomorrow.
I,J,H : Is that true Sinead?
Me : Um.... I don't know yet. I'll make a call to Amy. Be right back.

Then I turned my chair and picked up my phone and dialed Amy's number.

("Good morning Sinead! What's with an early call?")

"Dan called us that there will be another Cahill Reunion. So I just wanna confirmed it. So it is really true?"

("I don't know what Dan is planning, but what did he really wanted, I will give him what he wanted. If this reunion will make him happy, I will be also happy. So it's really true, Sinead.")

"Ok and why I call you this early because the others are asking me if it's true because you are always the one who call us. So I'll tell them. Thank you Amy. And good morning. Have a great day! Bye."

("Bye Sinead. See you.")

After the line went dead, I turned my chair and faced the computer. Then I charted them again.

Me : Um....guys?
H : Yes?
I : What
J : Is
H : It?
Me : Wow! Triplets style?
I,J,H : Hey!
Me : Defensive much? Ok. Get back to the topic. Amy confirmed about it. So it is really true. So pack your things now and tell your younger siblings and cousin to pack their things. And Jonah, do you want to pick them up?
J : Word. Just for my cousins. How about you?
Me : Um.... Well, we will have the Cahill limo because were in Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts. I think a Cahill limo will get you in the airport. So good luck. I'll see you then. Bye!
H : Ok. Bye. See you.
I : Me too. Bye.

Then I signed off. Then I got down to the living room. Then I saw Ned and Ted watching National Geographic. "So, Ned and Ted, pack your things now. Were leaving tomorrow to Attleboro for a Cahill Reunion." I said to them. "Ok." they said while turning off the TV. We get to our rooms. I hope this will be alright and fun like before. I thought. Then I turned to the glass door, opened it and look at around while standing in the balcony. "Well then, I'll see you tomorrow." I mumbled to myself. Then I packed my things and get ready for tomorrow. I hope Dan is very happy and Amy will be happy too. Let's see this tomorrow.

So guys did you like it? Please suggest many games and message me about your branch. So like and comment. Bye! Have a nice day.
~ Lavender

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