Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - The Dinner, The Visitor and The Game

Hamilton's POV

After my name called, I directly go to my room. It was all blue from walls, to curtains, to bedsheet, and to all things. This reminds me of the Tomas color. Then the front door has the Tomas symbol. Then I put all my things in the proper places. After all is done, I lay myself down in the bed. I remembered the girl who bumped me in the airport. She look Sinead and her suit is just like hers. If she is really Sinead, what is she doing there? I thought. " I hope this thing will be solve." I mumbled. I was about to sleep, suddenly someone knocked on the door. "Hamilton? Are you in there? Can I come in? I need to tell you something." a voice sounded familiar. I fixed myself and opened the door. "Oh it's you Sinead. What-" "Dinner will be serve in twenty minutes. So fix yourself and go down to the dinning room right away. Don't be late." she said quickly and she go to Ian's room. Then I closed the door. I fixed mself and get down in the dinning room. Jonah was already there. "Wassup yo!" Jonah greeted. "Hey bro!" I said. Then I sitted beside him because I saw my initials in the chair. "Jonah, do you have a clue who is the girl who bumped in the airport?" I whispered. "I don't know but I'm feeling that it is Sinead." he replied. "Let's ask Ian." I said. "Word." he replied. And then we saw Dan and Natalie entering the dinning room from nowhere. "When the two of you understand each other?" we shouted while inshock. Then they laugh very hard and Natalie speak, "I don't know." Then they still laugh. "What's happening herewhile we were gone?" Sinead said while getting down. Then Jonah elbowed me and give me a look I-told-you look and to reply, I just nodded. She is a wearing a amber dress up to her ankle and a amber heels too. I don't know what's her past and i don't know why she like amber color. But she look..... "Beautiful." I said. Oops. "What.Did.You.Said?" she said sweetly. And then I blushed. "That's nothing." I said. Then Jonah speak, "He said beautiful." "Hey!" Then I saw Sinead sitted beside me and hold my hands. "It's ok." she said. Then all of them arrive. And then, the sitted on their respective seats. Then the dinner was serve. It was a steak. Our arrangement in the dinning table is Am on the center, in her left is Ian, Sinead, me, and Jonah. In front of her is Dan, and on his left is Phoenix, Madison, Reagan, Ted, Ned, and Natalie. Then the doorbell rang. "Who is our visitors?" Amy ask. "I don't know. I'll open the door for all of you." Sinead said. "And Ned and Ted can you come with me?" she added. The twins nodded and followed Sinead. And a second, Ned and Ted come back without Sinead. "Where is she?" I ask. The just shrugged. Then Sinead come back with a twenty year old girl and a familiar person. "Um....Uncle Fiske send them here because the wanted to talk to Amy." she said. "And by the way, she is Lilya Chernova. An Ekaterina agent. She is already twenty years old." she added. Amy stand up. "Here Uncle Alistair and Lilya, take a seat and eat dinner." Amy said while offering. "Thanks darling." Alistair said. Lilya sit beside Jonah and Alistair sit next to her. "Sinead?" Alistair asked. "Yes Uncle?" she replied. "You know what to do to your brothers." "Yes Uncle." "Wait, what are you planning to do to your brothers, Sinead?" Natalie said. Sinead shot her brothers a death glare when she saw that they are about to explain. "One word will get out of your mouth and everything will be nothing. So wait." she said sharply. Then Sinead was the one who finished her dinner first. She put her plate on the sink and get back at the table. "Dan, what are you planning to do?" I ask. "We can play games." he replied. "Can we excuse Amy and Sinead?" Lilya interrupted. "Sure." we said. Then they walk away. "So, what game?" Jonah ask. "Truth Or Dare?" Phoenix suggested. "But first, we need to wait for them. We cannot play without them." Ian said. Then we waited for them. After one hour Lilya, Sinead, and Amy come back. "Where's Alistair?" Natalie ask. "We let him rest." Lilya said. "So girls, we are planning to play Truth Or Dare." Dan said. "Sure. We're in." Sinead said and let her hands rest on her waist. Then we sit on the couch. "So, who will start?" I ask. "Me!" Dan shouted. "Ok. So, Amy truth or dare?" he ask. "Truth." "Do you LIKE Ian?" We saw her blush. "I guess?" Amy said. "I'll accept that as a yes. Next turn please?" Dan chirped. "Ian, truth or dare?" Amy asked. "Dare." "I darre you to slap Dan. Slight only." Amy dared. "Ok." Then he get near to Dan and slapped him a little hard. "Ow!" Dan exclaimed. "Hamilton, truth or dare." Ian asked me. "Dare." "I dare you to....." Ian trailed off and get near to me and said, "I dare you to say your crush and describe her in three words." "No way!" I shouted which make the others confused. "I thought Tomas never take down a challenge?" Ian challenge. "Fine, fine, fine! IlikeSineadStarling. Because she is smart, beautiful, and caring." I said, blushing. Sinead was stunned while everybody's jaws were dropped. "Ahem. Shall we continue?" Sinead said. "Sinead, truth or dare?" I ask her. Amy shot her a glare which make Sinead let out a sigh and smirk at Amy. "Fine, fine Amy. As your command. Truth." she said smirking at Amy which gave her a grin. What am I going to ask? Hmmmm..... Oh I know! I thought. "Were you the girl who bumped me in the airport." I ask with an evil smile. She rolled her eyes and glared to Amy and then faced me and said, "Yes. Anything else?" "No more. Your turn." I said. "Hmmmmm...... Jonah, truth or dare?" she ask. "Truth yo!" Jonah said with his million-dollar smile. "Do you have a crush on my cousin?" she ask while we were confused except for Ned, Ted, and Jonah. "Umm.... Yup." Jonah said calmly. "Your turn Jonah." she replied with a smile on her face which make Lilya glare at her while in tensed. "Lilya, truth or dare?" Jonah ask. "Dare." she replied still glaring at Sinead. "I dare you to sing a song." Jonah dared Lilya with a smile on his face. "I don't want to." she said. "Sing! Sing! Sing! Sing!" we chanted. "Lilya. I'll help you with this. But you will sing." Sinead said. "Ok. Here's the song." Lilya said and whisper it to her. After a minute, Sinead speak, "Ready?" "Ready when you are?" Lilya said.

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