Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 - The Meeting

Ian's POV

My alarm rang. It's morning already. I look at the clock which is color red with a Lucian and Cahill symbol. It's already 7:00 am. Then my phone rang. I pick it up.

"Hello? Why is it so ear-."

("Shut your mouth off Ian. This is Sinead reporting. Amy wanted to meet us. We will have a breakfast meeting. And don't worry, just us, older ones. And to inform you that I'm talking to three persons in one call. Plus, I'm annoyed with all of you when the three of you speak together when you answer the phone. Back to the topic. Meet me 7:30 sharp at the door of my room. Don't be late. Did you get it?")

("Yes S-dawg. Jonah on the phone. Good morning!")


("Ok. Hamilton here. And good morning.")

"Sure. And good morning"

("If your late, no one will get you. And good morning to you. Signing off.")




Then the line went dead. So I ran to the bathroom. I shower. Aaaahhhh!!!!! The water is so cold. I thought. Then I wear my polo with black jacket and a slacks. Then I wear my black shoes, brushed my teeth. I sprayed my perfume. And when I get outside of my room, the boys are wearing the same like mine. Later on, Sinead get outside of her room. Looking gorgeous. She was wearing a white long sleeve paired with a black jacket which she is not yet wearing. She was also wearing a black skirt and a high heels. "You really know what to wear, huh?" she said. Then we smell a honey-lemon scent. "Are you spraying a honey-lemon perfume?" I ask Sinead. "Yup." she replied. Her hair was braid with a clip on the side. She is also wearing a emerald earrings and a blue necklace. Familiar. "Follow me." she said motioned us to follow her. She lead us to a wall. She pressed a brick. Then the wall opened. "Inside there?" Jonah asked. "Uhhh.... No. Just a path..... And this is going to be a long walk." she mumbled the last part which make me chuckle. "Wait- Did you hear it?" she ask eyes open wide. "Yes." I replied. "I hate you." she whisper. Then she mumbled something to herself. And I know what is it. "You hated when boys are around you, huh?" I ask. And again, she raised her eyebrow and stare at me eyes wide in shock. "" she stutter. "Lucian dear, Lucian." I said and chuckled. "Curse you Ian." she said it loud which make the two boys at our back become confuse.

~ 10 minutes passed ~

"Here we are." Sinead sighed. We were walking 10 minutes to be exact. How tiring! "What are we going to do?" Jonah asked. "Did you see that symbols? Its seems like scanner. Am I right Sinead?" I asked. "Hmmm.... Where is it?" Sinead asked herself. "Oh! I forgot!" she suddenly exclaimed. She put her thumb on the Ekaterina symbol. "Sinead Starling. Ekaterina. Approve." a metallic voice sounded. "Password." it added. She typed something secretly and fast without even looking at the keypad. "Access Granted." it said and the door opened revealing a turned chair. "Welcome to the Meeting Room." the chair suddenly turned revealing Amy. "Please take a seat." Sinead gestured to the chair. Then the door opened suddenly which make all of us boys jump and the girls laugh quietly. "Hi Lilya!" Sinead and Amy greeted. Then Lilya and Nellie placed our breakfast. Then Nellie left. I hope this will work. So let's get this started.

Lilya's POV

I wake up so early. I go down to the kitchen. I saw Nellie. "Nellie, can you cook us breakfast because we will have a breakfast meeting." I ask. "Sure! How many?" Nellie replied.  "6 plates and glass." I said. "Ok." she replied and do what did she needed to do. Then I proceed to my room. Then I pick up my cellphone and dialed Sinead's number.

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