Chapter 7

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Chapter 7- Hangout

Natalie's POV - (Same Day)

"Good morning sunshine!" I said, yawning. Usually I woke up in a bad mood but I just removed it just for this day. I directly go to the bathroom. When I turned on the faucet, I remembered what happened yesterday when I was with Daniel Arthur Cahill.


When we get out of the room talking about some random stuffs. I can't even believe that I forgave this dweeb beside me. Argh?! Well, they are my only family aside from Ian. Well, they are only family aside from Ian. Talking about family, I remembered my mom, Isabel Kabra. We thought she loved us but while growing up, she's becoming different and different. She didn't have time for us. I wish I didn't gr- "Earth to Natalie? Natalie? Natalie?" I was interrupted with my thoughts by Dan. "Yeah?" I said while regaining my consciousness. "I was asking if are you hungry?" Dan said while patting his stomach. "Hungry?" I asked. He just nodded in reply. And because of his childish act, I laughed si hard that he didn't know why. "Hey! What are you laughing at?" he asked confusingly. I stopped laughing and fixed myself before speaking. "You're so childish that I cannot compare it to a dog with puppy eyes," I said and started laughing again. He just glared at me and said, "You're dead you Cobra." And he started chasing me. Luckily, I was wearing sneakers so I comfortably ran away from the dweeb. Then we aburptly stopped when our phones rang. I lookes at the caller's ID and it was from Sinead. We looked at each other and we quickly turned around and accept the caller's call.

"Hey Sinead!"

("Hey Nat! I just wanna tell you that dinner will be served in 15 minutes. Don't be late *sighs* as Nellie said. See you at dinner,")

"Okay. Thanks. I'm on my way,"

Then after that, I hang up the phone. And the same time, Dan hang up. "I guess we should go?" He asked. "Yeah, we need to," I said. Then we laughed and talked about some of our memories before and next thing I knew, everything was blurry.

*end of the flashback*

"And we're lucky that we didn't fought like we usually end up to," I mumbled. I washed my hair and my body and rinsed. I looked myself in the mirror and said to myself, "This is another day full of suprises."

*after some time- well I shall say after one hour and 30 minutes (guess what's next)*

"I'm do-" "NATALIE! What taking you so long to fix yourself? This is the longest time you've let us wait for you! Now, get out of your room or I will carry you out! NOW!" Oh well, dear me. I eventually took my time to fix myself but I didn't realize that I really took it so long. Wearing my pink long sleeves, pant, and Converse (I just wanted to be uniform this time and suprisingly I wear casual today) and with my lashes curled like my hair and my fully done make-up face and after spraying a strawberry scented perfume, I responed, "Yeah, coming." And when I opened the door- "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG MY PINK CASUAL TODAY'S THEME COUSIN?!" "Uhm, didn't pay attention to the time?" I replied to the sermon of Jonah. "Well, since you are out now, maybe we should now go the dining room and eat our breakfast. We still have to do a lot of things," he finally calmed down. When we arrived at the room, everyone was looking at me and I looked at them apologetically. "Sorry if I took so long," I said and they just nodded and started eating their breakfast which are Dan's favorite, pancakes and waffles. While eating, I noticed that there are some chair unoccupied. "(while rising my fork) Wait, where are our older brothers and sisters including Lilya?" They looked at each other confused and in their looks, I could tell that they didn't know where are they. "Maybe they just woke up earlier and didn't left us a note to where are they heading," Alistair suddenly spoke up. We just all agreed and go back to eating.

*after 1 hour had passed*

"Where are they?!" Dans shierked. "Calm down Dan," Phoenix said while trying to calm him. "Please, let's just wait for them. Okay?" I said in a calm voice. They just all nod and went to back to their own businesses.

*and after another 30 minutes had passed and please author don't make us suffer*

"What happened to them?" Madison asked. "Yeah, it's been two hours" her twin agreed. "I think we need to search for them," Dan said and was about to staand up when- "DAN!" He was pushed atrongly to his seat and have the twins hold him. "We cannot take risk Dan. We haven't called them yet if where are they nor even texted them. So please, do not do such thing without any reasonable reasons," Alistair explained. And as a typicall Dan, "No! I don't care! We will proceed to the mission and call it Mission Nowhere To Find The Older Us, and it will be divided in to two groups, the Haje Mete group and Sayonnara group," "Dan, if your going to name a mission, make sure that you know the meaning of the word and why did you name it with that word. And make sure it makes sense," a familliar voice interupted us. "Get ready," Dan said. We all got our defense weapons and we nodded at each other and guess what happened next. "Oops," we all said. "Who started this?" Sinead suddenly said still having her codex at her body blocking any weapons to hit her. "And another thing make sure that you see the person well before firing!" she added. Dan flushed red and I took the oppurtunity to capture it befroe he could notice. "Okay okay okay. Could we all just calm down?" Ian suddenly arrived and grabbed Sinead and let her sit at the couch. "Let's just wait for the others and if you're asking where are we, I shall say it's NOYB, okay?" he said and all of just nod for we all know what is the meaning of it. While we are waiting, I took the moment to post the stolen picture at the Command Center Feed. I'm gonna make sure that every Cahill alive will see. *evil smile and laugh* <ting> They all look at their phones and a few moments later, everyone was laughing. So here's the post:

Agent Natalie Kabra (@nataliekabra<3)
*picture here (just imagine Dan flushing red like a tomato going to explode)*
Hey Daniel (@theninjalord)! Love your cuteness in the pic! Enjoy! The whole wideworld is seeing this! Hahhahaha..... love lots <3<3 NatNat Cobra :) :)

"Well Daniel Arthur Cahill, could you explain this? You're more famous than me, *laughs*" Jonah said. "Yeah, you beat an international star Dan!" Hamilton agreed. We just all laughed. "(Yeah yeah yeah. Okay bye.) Well, what have I just missed?" Amy said. I raised my phone indicating to look at hers. She flipped her phone and just smiled, hidding her laughter. "Well,okay that's enough. We have a lot of things still we need to accomplish. We will just tell you one by one and will make sure that you'll make no excuses. Are we clear?" "Yes!" We all said. "So what are we gonna do today? Anybody?" Amy spoke again after sghe sat down on the couch beside Sinead. And well as expected- "LET'S HAVE A MISSION GAME!" "Ahem. Dan? Are you really serious about that?" Lilya asked. He just nodded. "Well, it is part of your stay here that we should train ourselves, so get ready everyone, for after 2 hours, we'll start the mission game," Ian proclaimed and we all shouted. "Now, do whatever you wanted to do, and meet us in the Command Center just a few miles from here. We'll drive you by pairs and we'll pair you later," Amy said. We just all nodded and separate ways. I just went to the car and told the driver to drive me to the mall.

Hey hi hello everyone! Its been a while that I didn't update this book because I lost my notebook which where I wrote my draft. Oh silly me. And to worse my lost, when I almost got to the middle of the drafting here, I flipped to the back page and saw that it wasn't yet finished drafted. Argh! So well, I just decided to finish it on the phone and well, I didn't expect that I have more nice ideas in my heads than the previous drafts. So well, Happy Holidays to you everyone from the bottom of my heart. (Awwww....<3) This book has been almost two years now and this still have 7 chapters, oh dear. Why this has been in a slow update because I lost my drafting notebook and I was busy with my upcoming books titled Adventures Of Friends, Let Me Hold You and the newly published book of mine titled A Date With The Mysterious Siblings. And I'm so busy in my schooling since I am a Honor Student. Anyways, I just wanted to thank you all for your support in this book, lately, I have recieved many notifications about this book. There are some that they added it to their reading list and some voted for it. Thank you so much! So what do you think of the picture above? Is it good to replace the old one or just stay the same? So just comment for your opinions guys, I really need it. So again, Happy Holiday and goodbye for now until the next chappie! Bye!


The 39 Clues : Games and Training Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora