The Visit

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It's early Saturday morning at the park, yet every face that strolled and ran around are already enlivened. The sun shone brightly, the sky as clear as it can be. Children are out with their friends and pets, walking, chasing, playing, reading — the park was full of life.

A pair of hazel eyes observed the scenery, albeit in a tensed mood. He tapped his fingers repeatedly, bit his nails every now and then, and changed how he sat a number of times for the past 10 minutes. He even repeatedly adjusted the temperature inside his limousine despite using the usual setting because for some reason he felt he's going to freeze — a sensation that is unique to this very day.

Damian closed his eyes and recalled what Becky instructed yesterday for their visit to Anya today.

'Listen, Desmond. Just be yourself and wear what you would when you hang out with your friends. Don't wear anything fancy, nor expect any. There will be no butlers nor house help as Anya's parents do everything in the house. We must not trouble them. Instead, we should even offer to help them out — like bring our plates to the kitchen, for instance. So turn down that bossy attitude a notch.' Damian mentally reviewed everything he can remember.

'Now, since you are visiting as a friend, her parents will definitely suspect that you like their daughter if you give her flowers. That's what I read from my novels. Fruits are fine— it's perfectly neutral. As for peanuts, well, you're bringing too much,' Becky said to him in his head.

'What? I already prepared this much for the visit. But... I guess you have a point...' Damian puffed his cheeks.

Becky suddenly had a new idea. 'I know! I'll be the one to carry the flowers, you will bring the fruits. That's it! As for the peanuts — er — just give her that in school on Monday. Yeah? You're less obvious this way. I'm sure her parents won't suspect a thing!' Becky exclaimed.

Damian took a deep breath and opened his eyes. His chaffeur spoke.

"Mr. Damian, it's time." Damian took the basket of fruits and a small flower bouquet.

"Mmm." Damian's door flew open as his bodyguard led him out of the car.

"I'll call you when you can pick me up," he instructed.

From a distance, he heard Becky's voice calling her. "Desmond!" she said, waving. She grabbed the flowers.

"Alright! Are you ready?" Becky asked Damian.

Damian nodded.

"Let's go!" Becky excitedly said.

Damian and Becky walked for 5 minutes. They reviewed what they agreed about the visit and how they planned for it to go.

Finally, they arrived at the front door of the building where the Forgers live. Becky pressed the door bell to Anya's house and spoke briefly with Yor.

The door lock was released and the two entered the building. Becky went straight to the wooden staircase. Damian followed her until they came to a door at the furthest end of the second floor hallway. Damian was quietly making a mental map of the place in his head.

"Are you okay?" Becky asked.

"Uh-huh." Damian replied. He was clearly nervous.

"It's gonna be fine, Desmond!" encouraged Becky. "I'm knocking now."

Damian gulped.

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