The Tree-Planting Activity

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The sky is still dark but Eden grounds already bustled with people, especially kids, who eagerly awaited their friends and their ride.

"Anya, the bus will leave without you if you don't wake youself up," Loid spoke.

"Aai'm aaawaaake paaapaa," Anya said as she yawned.

Loid and Anya went out of the car, around 4:30 in the morning, at the dimly-lit parking space of Eden Academy. There, eight busses awaited the students for the Tree-Planting Activity.

Loid and Anya approached the bus with the sign "Cecile Hall" — Anya's class.

"Good morning!" Becky greeted as soon as she saw them. She threw her arms around Anya.

"Good morning Becky!" Anya replied, albeit in a sleepy tone. Loid smiled at Becky's welcome and greeted her back.

"You don't look sleepy at all, Becky!" he said.

"I'm fine now that Anya's here," Becky cheerfully answered.

"Haha," Loid replied. He adored the interaction of the two.

"Oh Anya, Desmond is looking for us," Becky said.

"Why is that?" Loid inquired.

"We are in the same group as them today, Papa!"

'Whaaat?!' Loid panicked slightly in his thoughts. 'This is both good and bad. Good because Anya could use this opportunity to become even friendlier with Damian. Bad because they might quarrel and end up getting another tonito. The operation!' Loid's face filled with worry.

Anya picked up everything her father thought. She clutched her hands to her chest and looked her father with a determined face as she nodded to him.

"It's alright, Papa!" Anya said, to Loid's surprise.

"O-okay," Loid replied. 'Here she is again, reacting as if we spoke about what I am thinking. Oh well, maybe I should not worry too much.' He smiled at Anya and patted her.

Damian, Ewen, and Emile approached and greeted Loid, Anya and Becky. Anya introduced Damian's friends.

"Papa, this is Ewen and this is Emile. They are Sy-on boy's good friends," Anya introduced.

"Sy-on boy? Is it okay for you to call him that?" Loid worried again. 'Well, he is a scion anyway.'

"I don't mind," Damian replied.

"I see. Then I'll let her be," Loid said nicely. "Good morning, Damian, Ewen, Emile," Loid greeted back.

'Damian seems a little nicer to Anya now. Are they becoming friends already?' Loid thought.

'No... Considering how angry he was the moment she apologized, I don't think so.' Loid sighed.

'Maybe I should remind her to be nice.' Loid then turned to Anya.

"Anya, I expect you to work well with Damian."

"Don't worry, Papa! Anya will work well with Sy-on boy, for world peace!" Anya said.

"There she goes again with peace," Becky said. "Yeah, I think we're not fighting today!"

Loid noticed the bus driver take his seat.

"Anyway, I think it's time for me to leave," Loid said. "Have fun today, all of you!"

"Thank you, Papa!" Anya waved at her father.

"Let's go inside, Anya!" Becky pulled Anya as soon as Loid left.

"Hmm-mmm!" Anya agreed. 'I'm excited!' she thought.

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