02 - An Overdue Apology

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Three polite knocks sounded behind the antique wooden door before opening slowly. A man in butler attire with long brown hair, brought together with a simple bow, waltzed into the room silently.
His eyes, the left a pale jade and the right an evergreen, were indiscernible as it gazed at the sleeping figure on the bed.

"Young Master," A calm yet firm voice sounded, "It's time to wake up." Usually, the young master would be awake before he came in. His still snoozing away meant that he stayed up late last night. Stifling the bubbling irritation, the butler shook the unresponsive boy. "Young Master, Sir William will be arriving in due time. If you wish to have breakfast, I'd suggest you get up."

The black-haired boy stirred before pale eyelids fluttered open, revealing blood-red pupils still sleepy. Huey looked around in confusion before the fact he regressed settled once more. He stared at the back of his butler, who had left to pick out an outfit.

"...Owen." Even if he tried, he could never forget that name. It bore his sins, a constant reminder of what he did to the victims of his most heinous crimes.

Owen Sophin, a young butler of the Astaseul duchy. He was a child from the slums fortunate enough to meet the generosity of the late duke. Taken in, named, and given a job, the man was eternally grateful to the family. Undoubtedly, he was the most loyal servant in the household, deserving of the title of head butler. In the past, Owen would occasionally babysit him despite being a child. It must have been funny to the adults then, seeing a kid try to care for a toddler without prior experience. Although they weren't close, they weren't strangers either. One butler out of many and his reserved young master. Yet, even their simple relationship was quickly broken upon the late duke's death.

It was claimed to be a freak accident while travelling. A sudden rockfall buried the carriage, along with Harold Astaseul, alive. Subsequently, Heiden Astaseul soon arrived with his two sons in tow. Five-year-old Huey, who had become an orphan, denying, bargaining, grieving, and sobbing, was abruptly kicked to the cold and empty east wing. Confused and scared, he would sneak out searching for his new family because his mother said the family should stick together. Consequently, he bumped into the twins, who had unanimously deemed him their latest victim.

The torment was as verbal, emotional, and physical as two children could do. However, it was far too much for him then. Furthermore, upon seeing that the new duke did not care for his nephew (and worried about being punished for intercepting), the servants stayed as bystanders. Some even resorted to openly talking behind his back-treason in the Kingdom of Ecrelyn.

Everything happened so fast his young mind could hardly comprehend. All he knew was that his father was gone, and his new family was hurting him.

All except for Owen.

He did not boldly attempt to stop the bullying altogether, which was dangerous, especially considering the twins' personalities. Instead, he diverted their attention and interests, punished the servants, and did anything to end Huey's distress quicker. The brunette stuck to his duties, performing each task with much conviction, including showing deference. Despite his age, his dedication allowed him to climb up the ranks at a frightening pace.

Unfortunately, this unstable balance would flip eventually.

How a person turns out often corresponds to how they're raised. A child raised by accepting and kind parents would naturally take after them. A child raised by imperfect parents will naturally become influenced.

Then how would a just orphaned child react when thrust into a foreign life of bullying, scorn, silence, and disregard from his own family?

Taking influence from Neil and Lein, Huey expressed his bottled-up emotions through heated actions. Like his cousins did to him, he did to the servants. They never bothered to help him or even encouraged it, so why should he? His tantrums were dangerous for the servants, who couldn't fight back. It was only a matter of time before-

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