23 - Stardust In The Air

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That evening atop the ancient clocktower with the moss of time etched between the crevice ended in tempestuous serenity. Their voices died down and Nicholas' eyes softened ever so slightly dipped in sorrowful relief. The blonde walked towards and past him, standing just at the ledge overlooking the vast distance, a step away from severing the line between living and death. The wind rustled their hair and Huey gulped as he gazed at the other, so close yet so far from that horrid alternative.

Nicholas' back faced him, the youth's green eyes pooled with settling conflict, like the dying embers of a bonfire, raging, growling, dying. His body swayed and he stepped back, resting his head beside Huey's ear.


Huey felt blonde hair move against his neck as Nicholas walked away, leaving him to stare at the magenta mahogany clouds.

He sighed, "I should've done this since the beginning."

—:・゚✧ —

Kayson threw a candy in his mouth. "So what you're saying," he crumpled the wrapper. "Is that the both of us help Nicholas?"

Huey nodded. "Yup, but not entirely. In the past and my first life, he had power that came from being associated with my family but that's flawed and short-term. I want him to aggrandize using his own power, but his standing doesn't easily allow it. So I thought it wouldn't hurt if we gave a couple encouraging nudges." Blood supremacy was still a large belief within high society despite the royal family and academy's attempts to give commoners the same opportunities. To fornicate with a commoner and keep the bastard child was in and of itself, taboo. Nicholas' continued existence was a miracle with a curse attached, and when every other option shuts you out you can only reach for those just like you. Two outcasts yet in two completely different worlds.

The pink haired boy straightened his back as a light bulb lit up over his head. "Oh! I get what you're getting at now!" He chewed the candy with an audible crunch and swallowed it (Huey cringed). "Basically, you want us to connect him with branches and families he normally wouldn't be able to connect with."


"That does sound good, but it's broad. Barely anyone at school would willingly talk to us three and the most viable connections we can build here is that of friendship. I doubt many of the others would want to do that." He continued, "Also not just noble connections, he also needs to build them with merchants and get a grasp on other circles."

"Which is why we won't be acting during school, we'll take him to a place perfect for circle building."

Kayson's eyes glistened in sudden curiosity. "Which is?"

"Melissa Roseri."

Immediately his nose scrunched up as he spat, "Her? But she's so..."

"She constantly acts like she has a stick up her ass and the typical cliche arrogant rival I know." Huey rolled his eyes.

"Then why?"

"Mid term break will start soon and it just so happens her birthday lines up with the break. With her father being the prime minister no doubt there will be a grandiose party. It's there where Nicholas will begin building connections."

"And we'll be there to introduce people and keep rude dipshits in line!"

"Exactly!" They clapped, a loud resounding noise erupting from their palms accompanied by their pained yells.

"Why'd you clap so hard?!"

"Why'd you?!?"

—:・゚✧ —

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